Two of my items have sold recently at a reduced price but I have not sent an offer

I've not sent offers but have sold two items at a reduced price. Neither of which was really acceptable. Are eBay sending automatic offers?

Message 1 of 4
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Two of my items have sold recently at a reduced price but I have not sent an offer

It would be hslpful to know which items, and your listing price and actual sale price and totsl received by you.


Without details it is not possible to guess at what may have happened, for example  were you charged for postage by ebay?

Message 2 of 4
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Two of my items have sold recently at a reduced price but I have not sent an offer

One was a jug listed for £7 and sold this morning for £6. Free postage.
Other items were vintage net curtains listed for £35 sold for £30. Free
Thanks for reply
Message 3 of 4
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Two of my items have sold recently at a reduced price but I have not sent an offer

You have best offer options on those items,  have you by chance selected a ' lowest offer' if placed it will automatically be accepted?


That is an option when adding a BO offer,  and you may have ticked it in advertently?



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