24-03-2025 4:08 PM
Can anyone please tell me what the limitations on selling are now for a private seller?
Am i right in saying that you can only sell a max of 20 items a year? up to an amount £1740
Trying to find out what is right ,cant find anything on the eBay help pages
If this is the case then i cant see myself being able to keep my account open.
any help would be much appreciated
24-03-2025 7:52 PM - edited 24-03-2025 7:55 PM
Nothing has changed for private sellers,there is no limit unless you sell a single item or collection over £600 when cgt may be payable.
There is a figure of 30 items or €2000 (appx£1700) where eBay has to report sales to HMRC
If you are selling your own personal items and not buying/making/growing for resale then it is likely there will be no tax due.
Just checked your listing and you are buying/making to resell,you need to change to a business account not trade on a private one
24-03-2025 8:07 PM
There is no limit on how many items or what value of items a private seller can sell.
If you sold more than 30 items between January and December 2024 (which you clearly did), Ebay has to report your sales to HMRC.
As advised, you are clearly trading and should have a business account. Irrespective of that, you should also be completing a self-assessment form and reporting your sales to HMRC.
27-03-2025 8:08 AM
Thanks for taking the time too reply.
So basically eBay are are not interested in any private sellers & want everybody to have business accounts?
No thanks id rather close my account .
Why should i be forced into something i don't want.....
Kind regards
27-03-2025 8:09 AM
So basically eBay are are not interested in any private sellers & want everybody to have business accounts?
27-03-2025 8:15 AM
Well it does benefit ebay, but is the law. Buyers who buy from a business have more legal rights, so it is not in a buyers interest to buy from a private seller trading illegally.
27-03-2025 9:55 AM
@hang_it_on wrote:
Thanks for taking the time too reply.
So basically eBay are are not interested in any private sellers & want everybody to have business accounts?
No thanks id rather close my account .
Why should i be forced into something i don't want.....
Kind regards
How have you come to that conclusion?
As you are trading you have to have a business account, if you don't want to upgrade then close your account, but your details will still be sent to HMRC who may ask you some awkward questions.