Feedback Query

I recently left a seller negative feedback but it looks like EBay removed it although the feedback was not offensive just an honest description of what happened, it’s not something I would do lightly but I felt it was the right thing to do to let other buyers know of my experience.

The only thing I can think on my part is that I just kept the item because it was just to much hassle at the time to return it.

Can I ask EBay to look at this decision again ?

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Re: Feedback Query

You say you don't leave neg f/b lightly but I've just gone through just your last four pages of f/b left for others and counted 8 negs.    That quantity may go against you if a sellre applies to ebay for removal.



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Re: Feedback Query

Experienced Mentor

If the seller provided a label for you to use and you didn't send the item back, the seller fulfilled their part of the contract and then, if you subsequently left negative feedback, it would be removed,

If you were unhappy with your purchase, and the seller tried to resolve it but you let the case lapse, then you forfeit the right to leave feedback.


If this is what happened, Ebay will have sent an email with this wording to your seller:


We reviewed this case and have closed it without any refund to the buyer.

The case will not affect your seller performance. Any Feedback left for this transaction will be removed.

The buyer did not return the item to you within the required time frame.



"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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