Bid terminated

I recently placed a bid on a pair of trainers,  it was approximately  3 days before the bid limit would end . As I am writing this message it is now 50 minutes before bidding expires , no other people have bid . But it it seems the seller has cancelled  my bid and blocked me from trying to purchase the item.  Is this legal?


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Bid terminated

Experienced Mentor

It is allowable within Ebay's terms and conditions for sellers to cancel bids and to block buyers who they don't want to deal with.

You will have to find another seller.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 2 of 4
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Bid terminated

Yep,  it is legal and all above board.


No one can force a seller to go through with an auction.


Looks like the seller has decided they started their auction too low, and with little time to go they cannot cancel the auction,  but can cancel bids hoping that no one places a last second bid, to win the auction.


They have blocked you from bidding again.


You have done nothing wrong,  just looks like the seller has changed their mind on selling their item,  they're entitled to do this.



Message 3 of 4
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Bid terminated

Experienced Mentor

Sellers can block buyers from bidding for any reason.


My guess is that your seller may have seen the neutral feedbacks you left left for other sellers. One because the courier left the parcel on your doorstep, the other because your item was delayed in customs. How are these the fault of the seller??


As for leaving parcels on the doorstep, this has become almost universal practice since covid. Have you never bought anything from Amazon? I find parcels on the doorstep almost every day.


I'm not defending the practice, in fact the whole delivery industry has become like the Wild West and needs to be properly regulated and reformed. That's a matter for your MP, but please don't blame sellers for things beyond their control or be surprised if other sellers don't want to receive similar feedback. 

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