Sold very valuable coin and dispatched via Royal mail special delivery

Royal mail special delivery have made two attempts to deliver item and buyer has not been in to receive.

I have a feeling he is having buyers remorse and will ask for a full refund. Am I able to keep money that I had to spend to dispatch via special delivery?



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Sold very valuable coin and dispatched via Royal mail special delivery

Experienced Mentor

If the buyer was to open a case of not received as long as you upoaded the postal tracking on ebay to show as attempted delivery that should close the case in your favour.


"The secret of getting ahead is making a start"
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Sold very valuable coin and dispatched via Royal mail special delivery

I believe Royal Mail make three attempts to deliver an item sent by special delivery: then, I assume it is returned to me.
The buyer will then claim back their monies however do I have to refund him the amount that I charge for the special delivery in the first place?
Otherwise, I am going to be out of pocket to the tune of £18 and he will, not be out of pocket at all
Sent from my tennis racquet
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Sold very valuable coin and dispatched via Royal mail special delivery


If you placed a return address on the package it should be returned to you yes,but it could still be delivered,so you may want to contact RM,and the relevant sorting office

If the buyer hasn't yet opened a case for not received, you can cancel the sale as problem with buyers address to get a fvf credit,and then your best to block the buyer here,


"The secret of getting ahead is making a start"
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