Selling clothes

I have just sold a pair of shoes for my wife, I understood all second hand clothing was no fees, but they charged me, I finally spoke to them and there are fees on jewellery, handbags and shoes, I understand about jewellery and handbags but ebay doesn't think that shoes are clothing am I wrong are shoes clothing they are trying to get every p

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Selling clothes

Experienced Mentor

If your read the changes,then yes shoes are not included in the clothing category,along with categories such as accessories, hats,  footwear, watches, bags and jewellery.,so fees will be paymable.


"The secret of getting ahead is making a start"
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Selling clothes

Experienced Mentor

Shoes aren't clothing.


Shoes are footwear.

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Selling clothes

Shoes are footwear, as advised.

I sold a pair of vintage gloves and paid fees because gloves are accessories.

Lesson learned (by me): read all of the terms and conditions carefully and don't make assumptions.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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