No images , suddenly no images to view item.

Suddenly their are no images/photo's of item selected to view !!!!!

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No images , suddenly no images to view item.

This has been reported by some in the last few days,  you are not alone.


Or,  it could just be that today is eBay's maintenance day and many things go a little awry from time to time, see a little later on if it hasn't resolved itself.


I'm tagging our community managers to see if they can shed some light on this,  if  it is still an issue and eBay are aware,  and  if there is any news for a fix.


dave@ebay  marco@ebay





Message 2 of 3
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No images , suddenly no images to view item.

Yes an absolute nightmare---impossible to use eBay in this state and of course more likely to be able to phone Donald Trump for a chat about the weather than to SPEAK to someone from eBay !!!!!!!



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