formal complain against eBay UK

Where I can send formal complain against eBay UK?  Ebay has spoiled my life and made me depressed, specifically eBay's AI

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formal complain against eBay UK

Experienced Mentor

Ebay does have a little-known complaints procedure, but only for "formal complaints" - which I think probably only means legal issues. According to an eBay rep. "it doesn't cover appeals or suspensions, restrictions, eBay cases or a lot of other things." In fact, it doesn't seem to cover anything that ordinary users might want to complain about!


I you wish to explain what has happened people here may be ble to advise you what can be done about it.

Message 2 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

Experienced Mentor

adding to the advice already given -


your previous threads were about eBay removing some of your listings and you were thinking about legal action.


Given how comprehensive eBay's T&C are, perhaps speak to CAB.



Message 3 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

Thanks for the answer. What or who is CAB. In general, the eBay AI removed my auctions, although there are over 1,000 of the same or similar ones on eBay. The reason is that I broke the policy, where I am convinced that I did nothing of the sort, and with citizen advice we checked the eBay policy thoroughly and found no reason to remove the auction anywhere. There is a point that any item banned in Australia cannot be sold on ebay - my items are not banned for the Australian market. This market requires that the item sold there has a different construction than in Europe and other countries of the world. When AI deleted my auctions, many of my buyers are demanding refunds because eBay sent them information that the item had a recall, and the truth is that none of the items I offered had a recall.

Message 4 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

CAB = citizens advice bureau.

Message 5 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

I thought it was the office. Yes, the advice I received was to write a complaint and send it by letter

Message 6 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

Put 'user agreement' as the search term in 'help & contact' on the top of your Ebay page.

The first bullet point of the user agreement gives a UK address for Ebay.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 7 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

Thank you I will send letter to that address.

Message 8 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

Hopefully it will help to get things off your chest - I doubt very much anything will happen though.

What are you hoping the outcome will be?

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 9 of 10
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formal complain against eBay UK

This is not help, but to answer your question, I hope that someone will compare the policy with what AI does, so far contacting customer service from Pakistan, the Philippines and other international countries is a waste of time.

Message 10 of 10
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