Hi - I have secondary progressive MS and due to some cognitive issues find it hard sometime figure things out that should be simple, especially when the descriptive help issues are not helping. I set up a basic shop recently, to progress to an professional shop in the next 6 months. Thought I would start small to get all the systems in place, understand everything etc, and work slowly towards the professional option.
I have managed everything ok until now, putting everything in manually - I downloaded a excel template for books and started filling it in, but could not find any of the 'help reports' that are meant to aid you on the UK site, had to get them from the US site, and obviously there are differences - where are these on the UK site? - also the Condition ID field - put in in the correct numeric code - then tells me this is wrong and I have no idea why.
When setting up my shop in the first instance a few months ago, it said that I has access to a sale person to help me, but can't find this options anymore.