26-01-2025 2:08 PM
I've always been honest and if a customer isn't happy to return item, I have one Negative from a customer who said a coin (I sell coins) had been polished. I only wipe coins and never polish them as it detracts their value. I asked they return the coin but as itcwas only lily cleaned they kept it but gave negative feedback. I have another who said a coin was cleaned, yes any mud or dirt is wiped off gave Neutral Feedback. Another said a coin was not silver when we said it may be genuine or not so we did not deceive they also gave Neutral Feedback when we said we weren't sure about it as if it was original would be worth hundreds.
How do I delete these unnecessary feedbacks?
26-01-2025 2:13 PM
You can only request a revision for feedback that is less than 30 days old.
26-01-2025 2:16 PM
You can't delete feedback comments from your buyers.
If feedback is less than 30 days old, you can offer to sort out a buyer's problems and then ask them to revise their feedback.
Ebay will only remove feedback if it breaks their rules. It is designed for buyers to express their opinion and it seems to me that is what your buyers have done.
If you get neutral or a negative, contact the buyer and apologise and then offer a return and refund.
If they decline, you can add a short polite response to the feedback.
I would write something like, 'I am so sorry you were unhappy with your purchase. I did offer to accept a return and fully refund you.'
26-01-2025 2:19 PM
Cannot see any recent, within last 12 months, neutral feedback, and not showing any feedback revisions. So if over one year nothing you can do.
The negative is also over 30 days, so even if buyer willing, cannot now be changed.
26-01-2025 2:40 PM
" we said it may be genuine or not"
by listing you are saying it's genuine as eBay prohibit the listing of fakes.