Phantom bids


Has anyone got sent a message saying 'congratulations you've won this bid and you didn't put a bid on only briefly looked. It's happened to me 4 times were I've had to contact the seller explain things and cancel order. Now because of this I can no longer place bids on the things I want because I'm black listed.

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Re: Phantom bids/AItakeover

Experienced Mentor

In 20 years, this has never once happened to me and I can't recall seeing another question about this issue in Member to Member forum.

You do have 10 bid retractions in the last 12 months.  The vast majority of bidders have 0.

Maybe you need to contact Ebay and ask them if there is an issue with your account.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 2 of 5
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Re: Phantom bids/AItakeover

Experienced Mentor

Sellers can block buyers with 2 or more unpaid strikes in 12 months, this is obviously what happened to you. 

I have never heard of bids being placed by phantom. 

If you put offer in, some sellers now require payment details upfront in the event offer is accepted. 

Message 3 of 5
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Re: Phantom bids/AItakeover

Hello yes your right these things happen thanks for getting back to me. I needed you to know I rely alot on ebay and wouldn't be the sort to mess other folk about who rely on ebay too. I can honestly say was very surprised upon winning these bids and shouldn't be dropped so quick over just 2 missed payments without a warning before you just strike us off.
Message 4 of 5
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Re: Phantom bids/AItakeover

Please be aware when you say ' you strike us off'  you are not speaking to anyone from eBay here,  and eBay do not come to the boards to read any posts.  We are members like yourself.


Sellers have always been able to block members who have not paid them after winning an item,  and 2 strikes mean that you will be blocked from many sellers,  and for a full 12 months.


I also have never heard of ' phantom bids' appearing on auctions.  You have had 10 bid retractions that's a large number, perhaps you did not retract those other bids in time and won the auctions.



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