Item sent to me (buyer) not to be authenticated

I have received an item that should of been authenticated as there was some confusion how can I send to be authenticated 

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Item sent to me (buyer) not to be authenticated

Experienced Mentor

You can't.

Really, the seller should not have been given your address if the item should have gone to the authenticator.

I don't understand how this happened.

Are you and the seller in the UK?  What was the item number?

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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Item sent to me (buyer) not to be authenticated


Yes both are in the uk

I believe I know what has happened

Due to me missing my flat number on my address I asked the seller if this could be added which I believe he has then sent direct to me can I just forward on to be authenticated


Sent from my iPhone
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Item sent to me (buyer) not to be authenticated

This is quite a complicated situation. There are so may questions involved and a lot that could go wrong. It shouldn't be up to you to sort it out.


The easiest solution might even be to open a not as described case under money back guarantee case on the grounds that the item was supposed to have been authenticated, but was not. That way there's a clear procedure for returning it, and you could buy it back again if you still want it.


However, this isn't really something on which other members can take responsibility for advising you, I think you need to contact customer support. To do this click on "Help & contact" or "Contact us" at the top or bottom of every page, or use this link:

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