02-09-2024 7:59 PM
Just need some advice , I made an offer and it was accepted so I sent over the payment as request by EBay.
the seller said it was collect sent me a postcode however I've had no correspondence from them since so I haven't been able to collect it. I have requested a refund but I have no idea what happens next ?
02-09-2024 8:53 PM
Go to More Actions on the far right of your order in Purchase History and select "I haven't received it" from the dropdown menu. Escalate to eBay after 3 complete working days to get a refund.
02-09-2024 8:58 PM
it's only showing me these options x
02-09-2024 9:03 PM
You may have to use a desktop rather than your phone. If you still have problems contact ebay direct about it. You can use callback or live chat on here: