cancellation of the order by the buyer

Hello, this is the second time I had to cancel the sale because the buyer changed his mind and you write that after the offers are approved, the money will be collected from the buyer immediately, but this is not true because you do nothing but wait for the buyer to pay. The buyer changed his mind and canceled the transaction and the problem was solved. You should block the amount that is on sale so that I receive the money if someone buys and not that someone constantly wants to cancel my sale of Samsung Galaxy S24

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cancellation of the order by the buyer

Immediate payment is only an option which was introduced by ebay, but it is not essential, any offers I receive do not require immediate payment.

If buyer does bot pay, aftevr 4 days you cancel the sale using reason buyer did not pay, then you do not pay a selling fee.


Most things you have to do yourself, far better than relying on ebay all the time.


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