Fake goods

I recently purchased a tee shirt, it arrived dirty and was clearly a fake. I reported this to eBay but they decided no rules had been broken!! I figured at least my negative feedback will help other buyers only to find eBay will not publish it in on the sellers feedback?? I've been a member since 2004 and this has really got me thinking. They have lost there way it seems.


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Fake goods

eBay cannot work on messages or feedbacks,  as they could be coming from a disgruntled buyer, or even a competitor.


eBay work on cases.


Did you open a case for item not as described,  citing Item Does Not Match Description or Photos?  This then, if you're not refunded on time,  gives the seller a damaging defect.


Numerous cases opened for the same reason,  raises red flags to eBay, and they can then take serious action, sanctions even bans on the seller's account.


Feedback doesn't work,  cases do.



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