Re-listed authentication guarantee item due to problem with customer address

I sold a ring that was subject to the Authentication Guarantee on Thurs. 16th May. The customer was listed as located in Germany, so i selected an international postage option and waited for an address from ebay to which to send it for authentication first. 

The customer actually wanted it sent to a UK address and was unable to complete the payment due to the international postage option i'd selected and i couldn't re-invoice him to change it. We discussed and he suggested re-listing it, assuring me that he'd buy it again at the same price of his prior winning bid. 

I re-listed it and he bought it quickly - before the Authentication Guarantee had come into effect. He said that he didn't care for this and i sent it to his address directly. He has received it this morning.

However, now the Authentication Guarantee flag has appeared on the listing even though it's been sold and delivered. I can't get my money. Item number is 375438279818. What can i do? Many thanks. Rob C

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Re-listed authentication guarantee item due to problem with customer address

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