Return shipping costs


One of our buyers opened a case wanting to return an item because they thought the item was something else. The used the 'pieces missing or damaged' option so we are being asked by eBay to pay for return shipping - there doesn't seem to be any way to dispute this, Any ideas?

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Return shipping costs

That's the trouble or rather the set back with cases.  Once opened,  they're all automated,  no human contact,  so no human to dispute or challenge a case with at this stage.


You'll need to accept the case,  accept and pay for the return if you want the item before fully refunding.


Then, you appeal the reason for the refund.  Won't say it's an easy process, but if you have messages from the buyer informing you they bought the item by mistake,  then by opening a case for item not as described,  in my humble opinion,  you have a case to prove the buyer has abused eBay's 30 day MBG policy, worth pointing this out to CS ,  that their policy here Was abused.


One more tip when contacting CS do so only very first thing in the morning when the lines first open at 8 a.m. there's more chance of Dublin answering.


Good luck hope you get a favourable result !





Message 2 of 4
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Return shipping costs

Thank you very much for that, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the link too, never been able to find a way to speak to eBay before, now saved in favourites!

Message 3 of 4
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Return shipping costs

You're very welcome, and yep that link works best, usually only a few minutes wait too, first thing in the morns,  for those Call backs, and hopefully as said,  from Dublin ! 🤗

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