Why does it appear that Ebay want to get rid of small private sellers? Earlier this month the payment arrangements changed so you have to wait at least 16 working days before you get paid. Now from 18.02.25 all our small items become more expensive with a Buyers Protection Fee added - what are buyers paying for now that they were not getting before 18.02.2025.

All this causes more problems for private sellers who make a high volume of sales, are ebay trying to convert us to Business sellers, or telling us that we are no longer part of their strategy going forward?

I have used Ebay to but and sell for 20 years and never felt so unwanted by Ebay.



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There are already lots of lively discussion threads already up and running on this topic, you may want to join in with one of those.


Buyer Protection fees are mandatory on listings set up by private sellers.


I do agree that it hits low value items really hard; a 99p item will have 4% + 75p added to it. It's a shame that eBay didn't make it chargeable on items over £5 only.


The only workaround is to bundle low value items together to sell as a job lot.

Message 2 of 5
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Hi Vyolla, 

Is there any way for private sellers to allow buyers to choose their own joblot? If ebay are discouraging low value goods, and it is time consuming to list this way, it makes sense to put all for eg. Drill bits on one listing and tell the buyer choose 3 for £3.00 eg. with combined postage.

Can you set up one normal listing with eg 12 drill bits with a quantity of 4 and say choose 3 from the list? 

Joblots just do not sell, almost at any price. 

Message 3 of 5
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No, because eBay are removing the multi quantity and variation listing features from private sellers.


So, you wouldn't be able to let buyers choose which drill bits they wanted in a job lot, only list a set job lot that you've put together. 

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Would it be against rules to just do it on a normal listing? With a decription of 3 for £3 for instance? 

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