A few UK business seller questions regarding stock inventory levels, listing selling fees, variants


Regarding UK business sellers;

[QUESTION 1 - Stock & Listing Fees]

Two sellers have the 'Listings stay active when you're out of stock' option on. Over a 14 day period SellerA lists an item at 6x stock, sells them to 0, then replenishes stock to 3x and sells those (9 total sales). SellerB lists 9x units and sells all the units.
Do they both pay the same (insertion & selling) fees?


(i.e. They’ve both sold 9 total units but does one dipping to zero inventory affect insertion fees; baring in mind the listings stay active setting)


[QUESTION 2 - Variant impact on Fees]

Two sellers are selling Blue & Red Footballs. SellerA lists a ‘Blue Football’ and a ‘Red Football’ as separate listings and they both sell. SellerB lists a single ‘Football’ listing with variants of ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’. Do they both pay the same (insertion) fees?


(i.e. do you pay less insertion fees if you use variants, or does each variant get an insertion fee too)

**Asking for clarity as eBay support weren't too helpful!**

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A few UK business seller questions regarding stock inventory levels, listing selling fees, variants

Question 1.


The 'out of stock' feature has no bearing on fees. Your fixed price listing will automatically renew every 30 days so you'll be charged for a new listing every 30 days. Final value fee will be the same for each of your seller examples, the fee is per sold item.


Question 2.


If the seller doesn't have any free listings, then the variation listing will be charged as one listing fee and the separate listings for a red ball and a blue ball will be charged a fee for each listing. 

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A few UK business seller questions regarding stock inventory levels, listing selling fees, variants

Question 1.


The 'out of stock' feature has no bearing on fees. Your fixed price listing will automatically renew every 30 days so you'll be charged for a new listing every 30 days. Final value fee will be the same for each of your seller examples, the fee is per sold item.


Question 2.


If the seller doesn't have any free listings, then the variation listing will be charged as one listing fee and the separate listings for a red ball and a blue ball will be charged a fee for each listing. 

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