Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

How difficult would it be, for eBay to allow you to set the DEFAULT search location.

"Default" is an option, so it must have a setting somewhere, but there it no way to set it.

Would be nice to not have to set it all of the time.

It could also influence the "Other Items"  suggestions, which almost always bring up things from outside of the UK, when I like to buy from the UK.


"You have to set it every time" is just not a satisfactory answer.

Message 1 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

this works thank you so much all the hassle and it was so simple cheers

Message 41 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

Ebay makes a lot of money from foreign sellers so try to push foreign items on to us.

So if ebay make money from it then it isnt going to change soon.

Even if it is a pain in the butt for buyers.


Message 42 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....


Yes, you can set it permanently. This is how I did it on Samsung android.

Search for an item

Then select filter.

Scroll down and select Customise

Switch "lockable filters" to ON ( you might as well also switch on "Expand all filters" at the same time)

Select "Show results" again

Select "Filters" again

Scroll down to "Location" which will show as "Default"

Touch "Default" to expand the location menu.

Select your preferred Default location eg United Kingdom, but now you will see a greyed out padlock

Touch the padlock and it will change colour.

Select " Show results".

From now on your Default location is fixed to your preferred country.

Good Luck with buying!

Message 43 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

Good instructions for android.
But lets remember not everything is , should be or needs to be  'APP' only (or until everyone is provided with an mobile for services only offered there!), while things are still accessible by internet, e.g. web browsers on PC's Mac's etc solutions need to be holistic, inclusive and cover all access methods.
Not everyone has (or want's or can afford, or is addicted to)  a 'mobile' or is in a area of coverage, and real internet services can be accessed in librarys, while we still have them, who offer PCs but not 'mobiles' for online services.

To be inclusive and not discriminate all access methods need support, not just 'apps'

Message 44 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

Agreed. The world is on fire, so maybe it's time eBay took notice? It makes a difference to buy locally for the sake of the environment. Happy to buy abroad now and then, but most things are available in the UK.


Is eBay getting a premium income stream from sellers based outside the UK?


Very happy with eBay, BTW, brilliant platform, but please think about being more responsive when users have clearly expressed their preferences.



Message 46 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

HiYou'll be lucky with eBay - it's been like this for years!RegardsSent from my Galaxy
Message 47 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

You absolute angel! Tgank you

Message 48 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

Firstly, ebay is great and keeps me away from expensive shops...

but not being able to set the default search location is frustrating...

THIS would seem a simple tweak on the programming side to reduce users' annoyance... maybe they have a good reason for not doing it that we cannot know... 

OR maybe someone who has the power to make this change is reading all these comments, nodding and thinking 'oh I see, that's a good idea, I'll get onto it right away.' 

if anyone who has this authority IS INDEED reading, then please make it happen.

Thank you in hope



Message 49 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....

As ebay dont offer such an option-
For those that like using a real computer and not a phone 'app',  If you use Firefox (or chrome if you like being googled) there is an addon/extension that can be found here:

of the respective browser addon stores. 
Searching for 'eBay item location - My country only' I'm surprised it's not used by many more folk, but it works well and is easy  🙂
Does the job that ebay doesn't :-))

Message 50 of 51
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Re: Setting the "DEFAULT" search location.....


Yes, has been an annoyance for years.


I resorted to using a Firefox extension that fixes the problem, can set your default search location using it. I'm sure it probably exists for Chrome too, the extension I'm using is called "eBay item location - My country only" and it works perfectly.


Message 51 of 51
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