eBay Search
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14-10-2023 10:03 AM
Morning all, hope you are all well. Like many others we come to these boards to find solutions to our problems and/or offer insights to eBay and other users - you know the way a forum should work.
In the last 12 months or so we have been hit as sellers with a lot of obstacles.. service metrics not been looked after as promised = huge loss of sales, new advertising system dynamic = don't pay don't play. July's tests, EDDs etc etc.
Some of us have managed to limp through those issues and still remain in business, just in my case. Well lost one company.
The problem is the current issue, by reading the forums seems to be the 'SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY.' Dozens of reports with evidence show huge numbers of listings not being found so potential buyers can't find our listings, if they can't find our listings then they can't buy our products, simple enough yes? Remember we are paying good money for these listings to be visible BUT eBay are not giving us value for money. We are NOT getting what we are paying for.
So my question is to anita@ebay marco@ebay or whoever has the power to honestly answer is the current search system here to stay or is it broken and being fixed?
I personally retired from my 25 year career to do something I love due to mental health reasons and that is selling fishing tackle. Until this time last year it was a breeze and I was looking forward to enjoying my formative years. All I did was tweak a few listings now and again and leave my standard promoted listings at say 2% to 5%. I sold loads, I had loads of suppliers and loads of loyal customers. Obviously on top of this I was giving eBay many tens of 1000s of £££ in revenue. It's all but gone.
All the above reasons since this time last year have put a huge strain on my family financially and a huge strain on my mental health. Sales are down 80 to 90% My account seems capped at the exact number of sales per day - 25. I've heard rumours if you are vocal on these boards you get capped. Is this true anita@ebay? All I want to do is my job. All I want to do is have as little stress as possible and interact here with some great characters, post my orders, buy my stock, list my new stuff (which I loved doing) and generally enjoy the eBay experience. So all I want to know is will this ever be possible or am I wasting my time? Remember as I've mentioned, I jumped through all the hoops, watched all the videos, hiked up % promotions etc etc, but if my account is crippled or the Search is forever against me those are things I can't change. So instead of lying awake at night wondering how 'I' can change things I just want to know truthfully without the 'clear your cache, spin round three times, drink a pint of glitter' or whatever else if I'm wasting my time, money and efforts.
So please tell me and the countless others here who have proved beyond doubt the search facility is hiding in some cases in the high 90% of listings is the search working as eBay want it or is it broken and going to be fixed? (Oh please can you remove the cap on my account, thanks. I know it's there..)
Kindest regards.
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14-10-2023 1:28 PM
@goingfishinguk wrote:My account seems capped at the exact number of sales per day - 25. I've heard rumours if you are vocal on these boards you get capped. Is this true
Just addressing this minor point. I don't know if these rumours are true, but I can tell you how they started.
Many years ago, one of the regular posters on the eBay boards was a rather eccentric eBay manager (or "Pink" as they called themselves in those days, due to getting pink borders round their posts).
His job at the time was to do with search, particularly as it related to business sellers. He made surprising posts - including one saying he personally had the ability to control the visibility of the items of particular groups of sellers, or even of particular sellers.
Now, we all know that eBay can and does control visibility - it's what they do when they say that "sellers with lots of duplicate listings" or "sellers with below average performance" get their items demoted by the search algorithm. But this particular Pink was claiming he could do this at an individual account level.
Logically, this could have been:
- a lie
- a joke
- a mistake
- a theoretical truth (as in he could have pressed the button, but it would have been against the rules, so he wouldn't have dreamt of actually doing it).
But many posters took it as true, and inferred that senior board staff could reduce your sales if they didn't like what you said.
My own view is that, even if it was true at the time, it probably isn't true any longer.
If you misbehave on these boards, the community leaders have the right to suspend your posting privilege. Also the right to suspend your account too (though I can only recall a handful of cases where this ever happened, and they were extreme cases). But generally speaking, posters who have had temporary or permanent bans from these boards still run successful trading accounts on eBay, so even if they CAN stop your visibility for posting the wrong thing, they probably DON'T.
That's my take on it:
It was a rumour started recklessly or as a joke by an eBay member of staff, posting foolishly in an official capacity on the official eBay boards. It was generally believed by those who read it. But even if it was true then, it probably isn't any more.
Cesario, the Count's gentleman
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14-10-2023 1:45 PM
@bravergrace wrote:It was a rumour started recklessly or as a joke by an eBay member of staff, posting foolishly in an official capacity on the official eBay boards. It was generally believed by those who read it. But even if it was true then, it probably isn't any more.
Absolutely. However there seems to be a definate cap on my account, nearly £ per £ the same each day and 25 sales each day. That has to be a restriction. There is no way that is market forces at play.
Anyway the search function... haha...
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14-10-2023 2:26 PM
The search function and caps.
eBay used to run selling caps for new sellers and below standard sellers. If you got a £1000 monthly selling limit and reached it on your first day's trading, you would get no sales for the rest of the month. That was official policy, and the theory was that brand new and failing sellers didn't get overwhelmed with more sales than they could possibly manage. When they started getting good feedback, their limits would be raised. Something similar applied to designer items.
So it's clear that eBay has the capacity and the system to run monthly, weekly or daily caps, if it chooses to do so. And sometimes it does do so.
The extent of it - whether it amounts to a daily £200 cap, or a weekly 50 item cap on a particular seller - I don't know about this.
Personally, I have days when buyers go on sprees and they don't seem to hit a limit. I get days when I sell 50 times my normal amount, usually to one or two buyers. This doesn't seem to affect my sales for the rest of the month - at least not directly. It might well encourage me to take a few days' holiday, of course...
Cesario, the Count's gentleman
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15-10-2023 5:26 AM
The main reason items arent found in searches is the latest "lowest price" search omissions.
For example I had a DCC controller up for sale at £20.
I did a "lowest price" search and the cheapest item was £40 !
Clearly ebay is omitting low priced items to increase profits when they make a "better" price.
My view is this insults buyers inteligence, who just wont buy it but will go elsewhere.
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15-10-2023 9:34 AM
I think the search algorithm, and item specifics, is part of the problem.
If you put, for example, "commode chair" (without quotes) in the search bar, you get 267 results.
If you don't notice that eBay have automatically changed the category to "toilet frames & commodes", rather than the "all categories" that showed when you searched, you'll miss the fact that 4,000+ items come up under "all categories".
If you put the search in quotes, the category stays at all categories, and returns 422 results. So, potentially, 155 sellers' items are not showing in search results.
It really should return all results, and let buyers choose any sub category from the list themselves.
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15-10-2023 10:18 AM
@catshome1 wrote:
If you don't notice that eBay have automatically changed the category to "toilet frames & commodes", rather than the "all categories"
Yes indeed, that is rather annoying and to be honest very unhelpful. LIke mentioned making most results hidden or more difficult to find. People nowadays want it now and faster and easier, not extra clicks/hassle.
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15-10-2023 11:43 AM
Even more insidious, is when the default category is not the correct one - or is not consistent.
For example, suppose I want some vintage shoes.
So I type "vintage shoes" into the search bar. There are 3 specific eBay categories for vintage shoes - men's, women's and children's. These are well hidden away inside:
Clothes, shoes and accessories > Specialty> Vintage clothing and accessories> Women's vintage shoes etc.
The default category varies (depending which ID I search under).
Sometimes the search defaults to ANTIQUES. This gives a selection of horseshoes, shoe-making equipment and (for reasons which escape me) silver spoons. And a few antique shoes.
Sometimes it defaults to SHOES CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES (the "vintage" categories being invisible unless it occurs to the buyer to select "SPECIALITY" and then NOT to click on "OTHER SHOES").
It NEVER defaults to the correct category.
If I'm listing shoes, what should I do? If I list them in the correct category, they'll be invisible. If I list them in ANTIQUES, I'm breaking the rules. If I list them in the main shoe category, they'll be swamped with modern shoes labelled as "vintage".
Cesario, the Count's gentleman
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15-10-2023 1:56 PM - edited 15-10-2023 1:58 PM
'The main reason items arent found in searches is the latest "lowest price" search omissions.
For example I had a DCC controller up for sale at £20.
I did a "lowest price" search and the cheapest item was £40 !
Clearly ebay is omitting low priced items to increase profits when they make a "better" price.'
For reference - and by way of evidence - I've re-attached the annotated results of my own experiment the other day... clearly showing how eBay represses anywhwere between 90%-96% of listings when a buyer searches using the 'lowest price' sort order; which is a fairly common search pattern...
Even when 'the old trick' of reversing that search order - highest first - in used; eBay sometimes make it impossible to access the last page of search (containing those lowest-price listings) and/or interfere with it so that spurious items (more expensive than the lowest-price) populate the 'tail end' of the search...
Being admittedly somewhat suspicious of eBay's motivation and tactics - this strikes me as an attempt to further-mislead potential buyers; interestingly this 'latest stunt' has only started happening in the past few days. - And for clarity (contrary to what others have claimed) the 'we've streamlined your search' banner - with the option to reveal more items - now rarely appears; and even when it does; it doesn't reveal everything.
"If you put the search in quotes, the category stays at all categories, and returns 422 results. So, potentially, 155 sellers' items are not showing in search results."
One of my 'test' searches revealed over 1200 items below the lowest price shown by eBay - with 93% of listings hidden. - Do the maths on the figures from the screenshots below and you will find this bourne-out by evidence...
"If you don't notice that eBay have automatically changed the category to "toilet frames & commodes", rather than the "all categories"
"Even more insidious, is when the default category is not the correct one - or is not consistent.
For example, suppose I want some vintage shoes."
Quite so... eBay's 'categorisation' can be obscure and misleading enough; in the case of fairly specialist broadcast equipment for example - they have clearly never spoken to anyone with a professional knowldge of the subject, let alone tried to make search logical or easy. - Therefore what they impose is often highly irrelevant. - They're not good at this!
"My view is this insults buyers inteligence, who just wont buy it but will go elsewhere."
Where specialist items are concerned, that is certainly the case. For my own part - as a buyer - eBay is now far from the first place I look for anything; particularly new or relatively expensive items. - In fact if I find good suppliers on eBay - once I've established they are legitimate and trustworthy - I tend to investigate whether thay have their own e-commerce presence, and use that.
"I personally retired from my 25 year career to do something I love due to mental health reasons and that is selling fishing tackle. Until this time last year it was a breeze and I was looking forward to enjoying my formative years. All I did was tweak a few listings now and again and leave my standard promoted listings at say 2% to 5%. I sold loads, I had loads of suppliers and loads of loyal customers. Obviously on top of this I was giving eBay many tens of 1000s of £££ in revenue. It's all but gone...
...So please tell me and the countless others here who have proved beyond doubt the search facility is hiding in some cases in the high 90% of listings is the search working as eBay want it or is it broken and going to be fixed?"
My results indicate well in excess of 90% - and despite some rather desperate attempts to 'draw the heat' from this issue, and deny the evidence the effects of what seems to be a policy (as opposed to a glitch) make eBay an increasing less-useful and (in terms of perception) even more untrustworthy than the 'cowboy infested' online fleamarket it once was.
I've heard rumours if you are vocal on these boards you get capped.
Many years ago I used to 'dabble' in collectable watches... not the 'high end stuff; just vintage mechanicals and promotionals. I do have a modest number of high-end Swiss watches; and an interest in the subject.
- There were many very-obvious fakes on eBay at that time; really terrible ones. So I did the right thing and repoted them. - My 'punishment' for rocking the boat was that eBay themselves started interfering with my own listings... a common thing being listings for a phyiscal (and entirely legitimate) watch being ended because it was an 'informational item' - and other nonsense!
This caused me to abandon eBay as a seller... not only were they promoting rogue traders; but punishing those who called them to account.
As a member of the Press (yes! really!) I take a very dim view of censorship - and from my own recent experiences it seems moderation here is highly selective... bullying those who 'call out the naked Emperors' or 'shooting the messenger' is a very dangerous tactic; other online platforms exist and there is the matter of potential mainstream exposure.
Few people want anything other for eBay than for it to 'straighten up and fly right'... nobody sane want's to see it drift into obscurity.
Personally, I'm at an 'age and stage' where I want to move away from the pressure of my main business and gravitate towards semi-retirement... film the things I want to film (as opposed to news and corporates) and exploit my interest in a specialised form of Landscape Photography...
You'd think eBay would be a natural outlet for at least the beginning of this project. - But as someone who has run a full-time business for over 36 years - and has gathered quite a bit of knowledg and experience - I'd advise anyone who asks that eBay is not a viable business platform; even for the most humble of enterprises... In my opinion it has become too 'clawing', mired in sharp-practices and is untrutworthy.
That opinion is formed not only from my own past and bitter experiences; but from several years of lurking and reading here; it being only in recent times that I've chosen to express my views. - I find what I read of how others, buyers and sellers alike, are being mistreated - most distressing and discouraging!
Fishing... not had time to do that for many years; though my rods lurk in the cupboard calling. If I were to go down that route I'd probably set up my own independently hosted online shop. I'd also become active on the various forums; and engage with some formal marketing tactics to establish a distinctive brand; i.e. something very far-removed from anything that might already exist. ...buy the .com and .co.uk (you NEED both!) invest in web presence etc.
eBay? - Something of a damp squib these days; at best a way of making your presence known while shifting a small amount of inventory. ...But not a business model in its own right really; not least because you can never own your presence and are being 'held to ransom' by an increasingly greedy corporation.
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16-10-2023 10:13 AM
Many thanks for a very well thought out post.
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16-10-2023 10:58 AM
You're very kind; thank you... incidentally, if you do decide to go down the 'completely independent route - (and even if you don't) seek some proper legal/marketing advice on your trading name; I can certainly see a few potential issues with it. - That's not the business I'm in myself so I can't help directly; but if you go to caledoniantv.com and email me from there, I could probably at least point out the potential holes in the road - it's not appropriate to start rabbiting on about them here.
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17-10-2023 10:45 AM
Hi @goingfishinguk, thanks for your post and sharing your feedback.
While I see where you are coming from, I want to ensure you, that we want our sellers to succeed and reach full potential on eBay. It is within eBay’s best interest to ensure items are visible in the search results to as many potential buyers as possible, and currently there is no specific issue suggesting it’s affecting the sales.
I want to also clarify, that there is no daily sales cap on accounts, nor the ability for us to set up one. Activity on these boards has no impact on your sales, and as previously advised, it is within our best interest you sell as much as possible.
I understand you’ve been a loyal seller on eBay and want to thank you for that and I want to encourage you to continue utilizing our tools and resources to analyze and grow your business, and I wish you all the best going forward.
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17-10-2023 11:01 AM
anita@ebay wrote:
'While I see where you are coming from, I want to ensure you, that we want our sellers to succeed and reach full potential on eBay. It is within eBay’s best interest to ensure items are visible in the search results to as many potential buyers as possible, and currently there is no specific issue suggesting it’s affecting the sales.'
I totally understand that but the 'evidence' suggests otherwise. Many times I've searched for a product which I know I'm the only one who sells it on eBay and it has not showed up in the searches. These are listings I've paid for and paid to promote. Also if you check out post number 9 on this thread there is a very details 'experiment' done which shows without doubt eBay to be hiding over 90% of lower valued items. Also many posters on your Facebook page reporting exactly the same thing, they just can't find things they want. So why I totally agree with your sentiment about NOT hiding listings the fact is the opposite. So as I've asked is the search working the way eBay intend it is or is it broken, if it's the former then many many sellers will struggle and leave eBay. It's that simple.
'I want to also clarify, that there is no daily sales cap on accounts, nor the ability for us to set up one. Activity on these boards has no impact on your sales, and as previously advised, it is within our best interest you sell as much as possible.'
Again many thanks for your answer, however the evidence seems to suggest otherwise and again many people are reporting this. There is no way in the world my sales can be within a couple of £££ a day and the number of actual sales be nearly identical every day. Normal market forces would not allow that, only a capped system would. So please can this be looked into.
'I understand you’ve been a loyal seller on eBay and want to thank you for that and I want to encourage you to continue utilizing our tools and resources to analyze and grow your business, and I wish you all the best going forward.'
Many thanks but as outlined I've done all the hoop jumping, increased % for promoted listings, watched all the videos and it makes no difference whatsoever. So again this is an eBay issue which I would greatly love being looked into. Many thanks.
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17-10-2023 11:20 AM
There really are some serious problems with searches.
1/ Multi listings al lstarting at 99p for a sample.
2/ Hundreds of same multi listing of same item by same seller.
3/ A "lowest price" search omits many lower priced relevant items. This increases start price and puts off buyers who think ebay has suddenly become expensive.
Saying sales arent suffering is grossly untrue. I have lost a lot of sales due to (3).
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17-10-2023 11:24 AM - edited 17-10-2023 11:34 AM
"It is within eBay’s best interest to ensure items are visible in the search results to as many potential buyers as possible, and currently there is no specific issue suggesting it’s affecting the sales."
There are now several (no, many!) users here reporting and commenting on how search has become completely unfit for purpose. For the avoidance of doubt I am (yet again) making available an annotated example of how listings are indeed being throttled. ...It's the second of two such experiments I conducted a few days ago; and others have reported comparable results.
For clarity, this evidences a search where over 93% of the listings required by a specific - and very very common - search pattern were, apparently deliberately hidden from potential buyers. ...The earlier search I referred to (from a few days previously) hid over 1200 paid-for listings from potential buyers.
This has been going on for some time; and in response savvy buyers (not me; others, and quite independently of me and each other) developed the workaround of reversing the search order to revel the hidden items; in recent days eBay had (as is clearly evidenced) started interfering with that too... it's fairly obvious that this is deliberate and insulting to suggest otherwise. Besides which, it has always been the case that eBay make it impossible (in the 'reversed mode) to access to last page of searches which return very large numbers of results.
For further clarity and absolute avoidance of doubt - the so-called 'streamlining' banner doesn't always appear to those on which eBay has inflicted these 'throttled' results; and in any case when it does appear, it still does not reveal all the hidden items.
Now... the numbers clearly evidenced in my graphic are easily analysed and they are real and they are repeatable... They're not as one apparent shill, who was allowed to get away with an act of defamation against me on these boards claimed; in any way "bogus" or fabricated. - Those are real screenshots, real numbers, real results...
eBay is being told by sellers here (and in other threads) that sales are indeed 'falling off a cliff'...
Factually, anywhere between 90% and 96% (the worst I've head of) of results explicitly required by buyers using what is possibly the most common search pattern - are being hidden. Using the 93% figure I commonly get as an average means the odds against me (the buyer) seeing a particular listing are over 13:1
Facts... figures... complaints from both buyers and sellers... In the face of all this it's simply not credible to claim "there is no specific issue suggesting it’s affecting the sales." - The people on this board complaining are not liars Anita and the figures are real. - Elsewhere on the boards I've seen users post charts and compile figures clearly evidencing their negative experiences... and anecdote suggests people are moving away from eBay in droves.
Hypothetically - if a group of disgruntled sellers were to come together and take legal action against eBay - how do you think such denials would stand up in court; even just a civil court?
People want to see eBay 'straighten up and fly right' ... Perhaps Senior Management ought to invest in a few thousand copies of "The Emperor's New Clothes" read it themselves and then distribute it among the staff are required reading.
...Denial and censorship only dig eBay into a deeper and deeper hole.
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17-10-2023 1:28 PM - edited 17-10-2023 1:29 PM
I'm going to suggest/request that readers of this thread archive this post and the attached graphic to their own computers - lest it be 'disappeared' as i expect it to be - I'd like as many independent witnesses to this as possible.
Just 'for the record' on this particular experiment... it's just over a week (9th October '23) since I first tried this to prove (mainly to myself) that I wasn't imagining things. That and the second run two days later (the 11th; screen shots already posted) irrefutably proved that 90%+ of specified listings were being (apparently deliberately) hidden from me as a potential buyer...
Once - you might reasonably claim as a fluke... twice? Dubious, but possibly co-incidence. Three times?
Well... I invite everyone to view, copy and digest the third example of search throttling, compiled as an annotated graphic below. ...eBay is definitely hiding 90% of items from view when a potential buyer searches using one of the most common and logical search patterns.
I have of course stuck to the original simple brand name for consistency... so what you're looking at here is basically the same search conducted over the course of a week - yielding statistically consistent results; with the only difference being that eBay (since this matter has started to be evidenced as opposed to simply being reported as anecdote) seem to have taken to interfering with the last page of a 'highest price first' search; one can only assume with the deliberate purpose of obfuscating the results further...
Is this not absolutely scandalous? - These appalling results are entirely repeatable and consistent. The bottom line here being that if you pay eBay to advertise an item for you, the odds of it being presented to a potential buyer are between 10:1 and 13:1 against!
"It is within eBay’s best interest to ensure items are visible in the search results to as many potential buyers as possible, and currently there is no specific issue suggesting it’s affecting the sales."
Respectfully anita@ebay I am forced to suggest that you may wish to withdraw that claim as there is actual - and irrefutable - evidence which absolutely contradicts it! - The matter is widely reported on the boards and reflected (both directly and indirectly) in various anxious and distressed posts made by numerous sellers.
' Sales are off a cliff' according to many; and people are losing their livliehoods - possibly their health - any why? Well eBay do indulge in numerous dubious practices and this counter-productive manipulation of search would seem to be one of them!
...It is fairly obvious the eBay is in the process of 'pivoting' towards a more corporate-oriented model; further analysis tends to suggest it is on the 'tail end slope' of the product lifecycle; and this is a common phenomena among the internet's 'founder platforms'; a wider issue which is beyond scope here.
But here is the evidence... people are paying money to have items listed; eBay is failing or refusing to meet its contractual obligations in that respect. - Simply 'denying that water is wet' isn't a tenable position to take. - Frankly, I personally would welcome seeing eBay taken through the UK courts in a similar way to that which is happening in the US.
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17-10-2023 1:56 PM
Thank you again @mrq-private
I've done the exact same search and got 209 results. However I got the streamlined banner so then it became 5500 results. However this was ALL CATEGORIES, if I allow eBay to decide on Cameras & Photography I get 5800 results so not sure how streamlining the search can produce more results.
Also I go the lowest price at £39.99 when in fact the cheapest was a £0.99 auction.
So out of 5800 possible results eBay is showing me 209. Basic maths means it is showing 3.60344828% and thus hiding 96.39% of PAID FOR listings.
How can this be then accurate? - 'It is within eBay’s best interest to ensure items are visible in the search results to as many potential buyers as possible.'
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17-10-2023 2:37 PM
The 'streamline' banner seems pretty random... but whilst I've not screenshotted it (it appears SO rarely now) in my experience it still doesn't reveal everything. - The phrase 'chocolate teapot' springs to mind.
- I suspect the 5500 results will be for a general search (which would include some offshore sellers) as opposed to the 'UK Only' filter. - And in fact this is borne out by my quickly repeating the search with that UK filter off... So yes; entirely consistent and repeatable; 90%+ hidden on a UK only search and 96%+ hidden on the eBay 'default' search.
"Basic maths means it is showing 3.60344828% and thus hiding 96.39% of PAID FOR listings."
How can that even be legal? - It's like walking into a pub, ordering and paying for a pint and then finding the odds are in excess of 13:1 against you actually getting what you paid for! I'm here to find bargains... Not (as one of those items is) a second-hand tripod head priced at more than twice what the brand new item costs from a high-end official Manfrotto dealer!
~ What's quite 'funny' about this particular search. If you have a Manfrotto tripod - and as enthusiasts and pros do tend to have, many cameras; the most common thing you'll need/want is the 'quick release' plate to fit your particular tripod head; they're consolidated across the Manfrotto/Bogen/Vinten range... you want one 'permanently' attached to every camera. - How many hundreds of that commonly-bought item are hidden? - i.e. what's the 'logic' (other than trying to mislead buyers) in the way they've throttled the search?
You'll get similar results with other searches... if for old times' sake I fancied having an example of the little Daiwa fishing rod and reel I bought from the long gone 'Angler's Rendevous' in Glasgow's Parnie St back in the 70s for instance...
Well you get 160 results for "Daiwa" on a UK only search in 'lowest price' order. The cheapest being £39.95. Reverse the search order and there are 9,800+ - Which is an absolutely appalling 98.4% of all available listings hidden! (that's actually the worst I've seen this nonsense! Shocking!)
Curiously, as you click through on this search order towards the last page, the number of available items reduces... by page 29 it's down to 8000 items... on the past page: 34... they pull they very same 'stunt' as they do with the particular search i tried... The cheapest B.I.N item is 99p with free postage... with a couple of 99p auctions following on. - The sort then jumps to a £550 Daiwa Morethan Brazino set!
I believe the expression commonly used in the States is "go figure"! - But there's another word - proven not to be a profanity in a famous 1977 court case involving the title of that nice Mr Lydon & chum's only studio album - which I'd like to use in relation to eBay's claims. - I'm sure it would get me banned though! 😁
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17-10-2023 2:47 PM
Did the word turn out to be originally an Egyption word.....not sure if that's true as i was at school at the time.
Re: eBay Search
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17-10-2023 2:53 PM
@exponential_developments wrote:Did the word turn out to be originally an Egyption word.....not sure if that's true as i was at school at the time.
I think the word in question rhymes with 'Roll socks' 😁