10-09-2024 10:15 AM
Hi all,
I know there was another thread on this topic closed recently, but as a business seller doing things properly, I am increasingly being undercut by private sellers who are clearly businesses but have not registered as such. One seller I have seen in the same category we mostly operate in has had over 7,000 sales and has sold over 300 items in the last 12 months, and has over 400 items listed. This clearly is not someone who is operating as a business but is registered as a private seller. There are of course endless similar examples of this.
eBay could easily police this but clearly opts not to, but should we as business sellers be able to report private accounts that are acting as businesses. Or are we all just hoping HMRC take action on these sellers (HMRC being efficient and fast moving seems unlikely).
What action should eBay be taking to protect and encourage business sellers, who seem to be at a massive disadvantage...
17-11-2024 4:06 PM - edited 17-11-2024 4:10 PM
Below is a typical example from one of my listings, the first set of sponsored listings are literally always private sellers who generally should be registered as business sellers.
One of the sellers is clearly creating paintings for resale, if ebay policy is applied which it should be they should be on a business account, there is no question about it, it's totally out of control and ebay won't / cannot deal with it. This cannot continue however I fully expect it to.
17-11-2024 8:02 PM
I am seeing masses of sellers in my categories on private accounts. Particular watches or lots of parts that I myself tried to bid on from auctions and lost to others are appearing on private accounts. Now I know why some lots go so high that it would be impossible for me to make any money on them - because the sellers aren't paying 17%+ Ebay fees, VAT, Corporation Tax and maybe personal tax?
Since no fees was introduced, this is happening much more.
I am currently taking part in the pro trader programme. One of the things that I found quite beneficial that was shared with me was the top search terms for the categories I sell in so I know what to focus on - brilliant!
Some of the items were things I had not even heard of, certain parts and watch movements so I thought I would try and get some of them to sell.
The cheapest place to get them on is Ebay. I literally cannot get them cheaper from wholesale - why? Because the seller of every single top selling product in my categories is a private seller. Sellers with words in their Ebay names like "distribution" and registered business names with company logos, the full works.
They're shifting parts in their hundreds and thousands and paying no fees.
So rather than Ebay having me sell these products and getting their fees, HMRC getting its taxes, they are being sold by these private accounts who are avoiding everything.
I've said it before a few times, it is in Ebays best interest to sort this out NOW. People will not leave the platform if you get them to convert to a business account, they'll just continue and pay fees or they'll go away and the same item will be sold by genuine businesses instead - we'll be happy and so will Ebay when they actually make some more revenue.
17-11-2024 8:06 PM
Great idea, and when everyone is selling for free and eBay is making no money do you think they will keep it free to sell?
17-11-2024 9:00 PM
hope so, many business sellers opening unlimited private accounts. theres no limit to how many u can have. enjoy free trading!
01-12-2024 12:35 PM
How do you report a business selling as a private person? Found products want to buy but bothers me that they are not registered as a business and it is obvious it is a business but they will not give details?
01-12-2024 12:47 PM
Makes you wonder how many bank accounts they have? As on registration you have to have a different bank account for each eBay account. I have read this on here somewhere.
01-12-2024 12:53 PM
You can report here
Choose the seller has violated one of eBay's policies
Click other, add sellers user name and type in details.
Sadly NOTHING will happen.
Hopefully you can find the things you want to purchase from a registered business seller
01-12-2024 12:55 PM
There is supposed to be a ? and report by clicking that - I cannot find it and reported the items individually... however, this resulted in some of the items being removed and the others remain? The seller continues their masquerade!
It takes time, and now I have resorted to not reporting anything now, and avoid purchasing from a seller who is obviously a running a business in " disguise"... as the last one stated - "this has been decided using Artificial Intelligence".. says it all really?
I cannot fathom why eBay are continually ignoring this situation - other than perhaps they " pay to promote" and so are making money that way... if so, then it will go on forever?
01-12-2024 12:59 PM
The only options when reporting a member or shop via the ? are intellectual property infringement, inappropriate content and communication abuse.
01-12-2024 2:54 PM
@vintique*violet wrote:Makes you wonder how many bank accounts they have? As on registration you have to have a different bank account for each eBay account. I have read this on here somewhere.
No, you can have the same bank account, it's just a different email address you need for each account.
01-12-2024 4:50 PM
Than you for the info - well, did read on here that different bank accounts are required... so if it is just an email address no wonder the flood of businesses masquerading as private.
01-12-2024 5:48 PM
There is no point reporting, in the end ebay will have to deal with it as they are only here for the profits and the current scenario is losing them a lot of money.
01-12-2024 5:56 PM
Agreed - I have stopped trying to report , it takes up my time, and eBay need to take responsibility and do their job. All of it is hurting their customers and without customers ( sellers & buyers) there will be no eBay platform.
02-12-2024 9:04 AM - edited 02-12-2024 9:10 AM
The reality is, why would EBay force the hand of many ‘private’ sellers to become businesses.
With the new selling rules coming into force this month with selling into Europe and Ni, as a small business I cannot provide the neccessary information on my listings to sell there any more as I only sell old second hand items…
A private seller can……
I can imagine the amount of revenue that is going to be lost will be huge…
I know there is no returns for private sellers for remorse buys, but I did return something recently bought from a private seller because the item was stained and smelt really bad and got a full refund. Weirdly the seller was most unhappy about it…..
02-12-2024 1:54 PM
But aside from the above, one of the biggest things that they should be doing, is limiting private sellers from selling brand new goods. No matter what way you look at it, if you have previously purchased something retail, it is no longer "New".
That same logic could be applied to those purchasing from retail outlets or warehouses - it is no longer new as it has been passed to third hands, stored for how long, etc etc There is no difference, when items are in their original packaging.
There is a thing such as buyers remorse or an unwanted gift which has been unopened and still in retail packaging. We see this often as an influx in the New Year whereby unwanted NEW gifts are sold so they can purchase something they really want. eBay promotes this with their advertising.
There are many business sellers who sell items with opened packaging, or tried on in store or " pump activated" or out of date, and still sell as brand new... it is not until you read the description that you notice the true condition. I have experienced this not just on a bathing product but a food product ( whereby the expiry date was 2022/3) all in small print at the bottom of the page.
I understand perhaps to remove the selling of new items " thinking" is to weed out business sellers selling under the guise of private - but if that restriction was introduced then it would affect true private sellers ( who only have perhaps a handful of new items ) and also confuse buyers.
There is an option for " new- other or New- with defects.
Used is for items that have been previously used/pre-loved... a new unopened, item does not fit into that category. eBays category's are specific.
There is also an issue with selling prohibited items such as used cosmetics , used perfumes and decanting perfumes - but there are business's on eBay who do just that!
Report Business - ebay let them stay.
Report a small private seller - items removed.
Make that make sense?... Money!
The true issue is Businesses taking advantage of the free to sell under private sellers, which is eBays responsibility to act upon.
02-12-2024 4:21 PM
We have been saying the same and have petitioned eBay concierge to pass this up to eBay high-level management.
Even if a private seller somehow was selling a new item in a sealed box there is no way that a private seller should be selling multiple listings of multiple quantities of new items and those types of listings should be immediately banned for private sellers
02-12-2024 5:28 PM
As a private seller I agree with the multiples of brand new boxed items not being allowed - only yesterday I saw a private seller selling over 10 of the same items and other multiples - to me that is not a private seller. I did not purchase , I now ensure that I check sellers "status" and other items just to see if they are " masquerading" - if they are, its a no go for me.
I never knew of this " masquerading" until these threads and appreciate everyones input - thousands upon thousands of buyers ( and possibly newer or smaller sellers) may not be aware this is going on and how it affects genuine business sellers.
I am so sorry to all who have spent years on eBay building their business, only to now find themselves in such a position and wish you all the best in your endeavours.
02-12-2024 5:44 PM
So much for the imminent announcement, we are now a month on. Have you spoken to them again about this supposed announcement ? I would ask concierge myself however I no longer have access to it.
ps. this isn't me moaning at you however it seems the info concierge provided wasn't accurate.
02-12-2024 6:04 PM
no problem at all. I have been asking concierge constantly and the general consensus from all of the people I speak to is that there are big changes coming after Christmas. They are not telling me what.no problem at all. I have been asking concierge constantly and the general consensus from all of the people I speak to is that there are big changes coming after Christmas. They are not telling me what. I do know for certain of that anybody buying from a private account will have to pay a fee. That will make it much less attractive to sell on a private account if you are really a business
02-12-2024 6:36 PM
Thanks for the update, all the best.