Impressions broken again??

Can you please check if there is another problem with impressions? Another counting glitch? These stats can not be correct. Organic impressions promoted views down to under 3000 views today at time of writing. This time last week almost 73000 views. Please help.  dave@ebay kat@ebay 



Message 1 of 698
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697 REPLIES 697

Re: Impressions broken again??

Always good to have several strings to your bow - over 20yrs Ive learnt never put all your eggs in one basket - years ago my website was doing great then all of a sudden Google changed their algarithms - think it was called Panda back then or something like that and my sales vanished overnight and I was just about to close my Ebay shop I was doing that well, so glad I didnt and I ended up closing my website and went to Amazon then Etsy and then re-opened my website.  I sell now across all 4 and sales fluctuate. Sales on my website are now doing great but I would never close Ebay or Amazon again as I know things can change so drastically but goodluck

Message 621 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

When you spoke to CS do you know what department you were speaking to? Just I have weekly (well not for the last 2 weeks) calls from the UK Trading Team as part of the Pro Trader Programme and she has never once mentioned what you said, it again wasnt mentioned at the Open event in Manchester. They mentioned the first 4 words being the important ones and the importance of using the item specifics as well as using all the space in the item title, the item specifics you have selected should appear if somebody searches for them but they are not in the item title.


The issue with CS is they tell you whatever you want so you think they are helping and if you get asked to rate/review they get a good score but 99.99% of the time you wont ever speak to them again so they don't care. Theres only been 1 contactable department who I honestly think care and thats because theres only a handful of staff in it so the chances of getting them again is pretty high and thats AGS in Ireland.


Doesnt matter how many times its brought up in the weekly chats, all that will be said is thanks for the feedback we will pass this onto the relevant team who will look into it for you and then radio silence, history shows this.

Message 622 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

@oceanartsnorthdevon wrote:

On my promotion dashboard showing my sellers performance today, all in green showing increased sales, impression etc (which I haven't seen personally as it has been dead for last couple of days) for some reason the "Sales" figure and "Ad Fees" shown as increased in green, the figures are in dollars?

Yes mine too, all in $$$$$$$$$$$$$

aparently my sales are 24% up but my ebay fees are 90% up ! as compared to last month.

No, they're not, according to my own spreadship, they are the opposite.


Why UK sellers are seeing $$$$$$$$$ instead of ££££££££££ ??????


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Message 623 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

Same here. Showing in dollars. 

Message 624 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

My sales apparently are up 0.26% and ad fees up 140.31% in last 31 days? Don't know how they work that out as my promotional fees haven't changed still set fairly low just doesn't add up, how can I have paid 140.31% more in fees on an increase of  sales of 0.26%? Go figure! And of course all in dollars, what is going on?

Message 625 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

@oceanartsnorthdevon wrote:

how can I have paid 140.31% more in fees on an increase of  sales of 0.26%? Go figure! And of course all in dollars, what is going on?

If they are advanced promotions then you pay if someone clicks on the advert even if they do not buy after that click.  So you might have had 2 sales but 18 clicks for example.

Message 626 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

I don't use advance promoted listings, just the standard where I set my own rate which is fairly low so these figures make no sense whatsover.  To me it seems they are currently tinkering with the site as there are these anomolies showing, everything currently dead for me can almost hear the tumbleweed - listed around 50 items yesterday and today and not even the opportunity to send any offers?

Message 627 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

the problem i have is none of the impressions that they provide make any sence, ther all over the place, and you get hit with silly fees for advanced promotions, like i said before one reporet states you have used £14 of clicks and then the other states you have used £120 !! that sont make any sence, cant even say its vat !! 


totlaly lost all confidence in eBay and amazon, ther ejsut money grabbing machines, and there CS is a joke.


and what with delaing with ebay customers every day 🤡😫 makes the process even worse.

Message 628 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

This is the whole problem no one knows what it all means and can't make head nor tail. My impressions are mainy up however on my traffic report it shows down. Some of my listings are 1000's percentage up but my traffic is down!!!! When i spoke to cs about this he hadn't a clue. The best bit is when i look at some of the downs they are getting sales but the ups with huge percentages haven't.....

I have come to the conclusion that the analytics were changed for what ever reason in doing so something has gone wrong and no one knows how to fix it. I was on 2 different time zones for nearly 4 weeks, payments said US time and orders uk time for the same order....go figure, if this can happen anything can. 

Message 629 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

Impressions and views today about 60% down from our usual day, eBay are up to something as usual messing around in the background 

Message 630 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

Always up to something, particularly Thursdays 

Message 631 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

I have spoken to cs again as i have found items being hidden today......i noticed yesterday i was looking at a disney item there were 600 listings however in the side bar there were no more than 100, not sure where the 500 went. I did some more research today, my listing was there on best match put it in price order and 7 listing have gone mine being one! So we are paying to be hidden!!!! cs said they would phone back but i am still waiting....


Message 632 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

i have checked on he impressions and picked one day, i chack this and noticed the amount for one day has changed 3 times !! how....what the hell is going on, figures are all unreliable.



Message 633 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

When i search for my products they are nowhere to be seen and havent been for days

Message 634 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

How are you all findng sales at the moment?  After having a good week up until last Tuesday with sales being consistant,  was starting to think things were returning to normal, since then it has been very patchy , a poor weekend and days of nothing?  Impressions are up so maybe it is just me?

Message 635 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

Same. £58 payout for the week 😤

Impressions slowly declining since 8 October, and then whoosh up 20th to 22nd, and then way way down.

I've ended that campaign, it's obviously run its course, and I'm trying a hail mary 20 listings at higher promo % just to see what happens to them.

But I think this impressions malarky is just a colourful graphic randomly generated by an AI for each of us - I  dont think it's got anything to do with actual people looking at anything, or even related to sales. It's a crock.

Remind me again - what are listing fees for?
Message 636 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

Ive noticed recently if my sales dip, my impressions have gone up.  At the end of the day an impression is anything, Ive even switched over to my new outlook email on my PC and theres flipping ads now in my inbox and want to charge me to go "ad free" Thats an impression, but I dont want to see it or care for it.  I must be getting old but being bombarded with ads all over is so frustrating.  So if Ebay are allowing our products to be placed in places where thats not our audience it wont convert to anything ergo pointless.  I had a great week last week, not so this week but  ive spent this week packing my amazon fba boxes for xmas so kind of a blessing and my websites pulling in orders so it balances out.  @@


I wouldnt waste my money increasing % promo.  Personally it makes no difference except in Fvf, my page views dont change. I find the best option is the close listing and sell similar at lower price to get the sale then put price back up,one sale improves algorithms and you would of given it on fvf with higher promo anyway so maybe work out how much extra youll pay and knock that off the price.


Message 637 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

@simplyessential_uk wrote:

Ive noticed recently if my sales dip, my impressions have gone up.  At the end of the day an impression is anything, Ive even switched over to my new outlook email on my PC and theres flipping ads now in my inbox and want to charge me to go "ad free" Thats an impression, but I dont want to see it or care for it.  I must be getting old but being bombarded with ads all over is so frustrating. 


Exactly correct, back in the day when the Internet was in a lot of homes but still in it's infancy it was considered very poor form to have pop ups on your webpage.  They were very rare.  I still to this day have never ever clicked on an advert on purpose.   Impressions are a complete inaccurate way of judging if your business is doing well or not.  How can eBay prove me to me if I ask how they know how many times one of my adverts have appeared somewhere.  How do I know they are telling the truth? (Same with the other data.)

Do I sit in the house and tell the missus I really want to buy you some new perfume but I'm waiting till an advert for it appears on the TV before I do so, no of course not.  I go and search for it online or visit a bricks and mortar shop.  For me the whole concept of ramming adverts down people's throats is offensive, intrusive and more to the point very ineffective.  My local newspaper has an online version and you simple can't see the article for adverts, videos, more adverts and so called special offers.  It's disgusting.

I've just had a advert suggestion on Amazon.  Their figures, not mine.  They suggest me to spend £95 a DAY, yes a DAY on advertising because I'm POTENTIALLY (not guaranteed) missing out on £40 to £65 of sales.  So their idiotic algorithm thinks it's good business for me to spend £95 a day to get £65 back... eh!!!!  It's similar with eBay's advanced promotions, most of the time they run at a loss or a very high percentage of what I receive, they simply do not work.  Of course they work for eBay but I defy anyone to sit and explain in simple laymans terms how to set up an effective Advanced Promotion system on eBay that actually benefits the seller.  You know say giving 10% of a sale away or even less.  I've watched all the videos, read all the bumf and it's complete and utter nonsense it really is and I suggest deliberately so to drown us in corporate bs, fancy pie graphs and charts.  Data can be made to look like anything depending on what you want to show and who you are showing it to.  

Simple fact is eBay's (and others) advertising schemes are not fit for purpose.  They are deliberately confusing, misleading and obtrusive.

Message 638 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??


I wouldnt waste my money increasing % promo.  Personally it makes no difference except in Fvf, my page views dont change. I find the best option is the close listing and sell similar at lower price to get the sale then put price back up,one sale improves algorithms and you would of given it on fvf with higher promo anyway so maybe work out how much extra youll pay and knock that off the price.


I agree with everything you and @goingfishinguk have said about adverts and how offensive they are. Totally get that. I haven't fully convinced myself that NOT having standard PLs is a waste of time. It seems that if I dont use standard PLs we get no sales 🤔 In the past 'closing a listing and selling similar' etc worked really well. But now it doesn't. Not at all. And £58 payout this week says this carp is not working anymore. Not no way, not no how.


So we're trying the hail mary approach just out of interest with a limited number of listings to see if they get any more views/sales ... sales really. Sales is what we want if I'm honest, because no matter what ebay says about increased impressions & increased adverts whether they are advanced, standard or have a degree in astrophysics - I could care less - what I want is SALES plain and simple and whatever ebay are doing right now, it is not working this week!

Remind me again - what are listing fees for?
Message 639 of 698
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Re: Impressions broken again??

For a long time now the impressions count has been pretty meaningless, for example 30 items could show on another sellers item page, you could rack up a load of impressions from that when in reality no buyers have even seen the 30 items because they are so far down the page. Impressions can rack up very quickly if you use promoted listings however I would guess 80 - 95% of them are pointless.


When I think back to the impressions I was getting pre promoted listings when the impressions were from genuine searches it shows how much things have changed.

Message 640 of 698
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