05-12-2024 11:39 AM
Hi , I was wondering if anyone be so kind and help me ,I have this large RD portia galley tray on 4 ball feet and I can’t seem to find anything about it , I have seen other sandwiches and display plates but nothing on a serving tray.
05-12-2024 2:43 PM
I know nothing, but it looks like an unusual combination. Is the outer part made of metal, with a Royal Doulton porcelain/china plate inset, or is the design painted/enamelled? If there are no markings of any sort to identify it, I wonder if it was made by a craftsperson, as a sort of hybrid, 'one-off' creation?
05-12-2024 3:15 PM
Is this Google Images search of any use?
05-12-2024 4:23 PM
A couple of those metal edged trivet things do look very similar... and further down there is a small RD coaster with a raised rim & ball feet. There doesn't seem to be very many of this sort of thing around though, & I can't see anything as big as the OP's large tray.
05-12-2024 4:30 PM
05-12-2024 4:48 PM
When I performed that image search the first result was for a seemingly matching teapot trivet being sold on Etsy:
05-12-2024 5:50 PM
This is from the Royal Doulton Shakespeare series. Circa 1930's.
05-12-2024 5:59 PM
Thank you very much ,so they actually made these trays,I thought it was a marriage
I have something to go on now 👍
05-12-2024 6:04 PM
Yes very much so …. Thank you,
05-12-2024 6:07 PM
Agree ,I can't find anything this size,they seem to be all smaller ,coasters etc
05-12-2024 6:13 PM
I haven't had a RD one but have had similar from other makers. Staffordshire ceramic bases and one was a WMF. Same era.
05-12-2024 6:22 PM
05-12-2024 6:25 PM
Thank you very much👍
05-12-2024 6:33 PM
You are an absolute star, can’t thank you enough,Merry Christmas
05-12-2024 6:37 PM
Thank you very much , just what I was looking for….
05-12-2024 6:49 PM
You're very welcome. have a great Christmas too!