think i made the wrong decision

now im convinced e bay is run by idiots 

upgraded to a b/s but still restricted to what i can sell 

have 2 tubes of voltarol to sell but aparantly its a violation because only pre authorised chemists can sell this even though you can buy it off the shelf at tesco,s asda etc.

so if e bay dont want my custom or fees i,ll sell them elsewhere on vinted or FB

e bay have driven the private sellers away now its the turn of the business sellers

maybe i was wrong to stay if e bay is getting restrictive.

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Re: think i made the wrong decision

Pretty sure that contains diclofenac which is heavily regulated due to cardiovascular complications. It's kinda like selling ibuprofen. Most who sell on ebay have to make u fill out a questionnaire to ensure you know what ur buying.

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Re: think i made the wrong decision

Experienced Mentor

 Businesses do not have free rein over what they can sell.  They are still subject to some prohibitions.

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