04-02-2025 12:02 PM
The whole thing is now one big confusing mess...how do you make something which was so simple so complicated?
I've now put all my sales (and purchases) on hold for 3 weeks just to see how this plays out.
By then we'll see how many sellers have had to wait the full 14 days to get "confirmation" that their item has been delivered & whether they've been paid OR whether they're having problems with payouts etc.
05-02-2025 10:57 AM
If you hate the site so much why are you still logging in each and everyday? If you don't like it vote with your fingers and don't use the site in anyway, close your account down permanently and find a marketplace that aligns with what you want.
It isn't a given right or public service to have an account on eBay, it is privilege which can be taken away and also a person's choice if they wish to use it, if that user doesn't like the policy then they can close their account, pretty simple really.
Me and Jack will be perfectly fine, you can carry on posting your vitriol of eBay and whatever else that doesn't live up to your expectations.
No more replies on this subject.
05-02-2025 11:01 AM
Wow! you have totally missed the validity of the points raised by many... there has been no vitriol...
Privilege to be on eBay? My goodness!
Please stop baiting people and get back to the "community " spirit... ?
05-02-2025 11:19 AM
@game_raid wrote:I am not sure what you're trying to insinuate, it sounds like you think I work for eBay, maybe I do, maybe I have?
I actually want to see the genuine private and business sellers get sales, throwing the toys out of the pram because they don't agree with new policies is pretty sad because they are a minority that will make no difference to anyone except the seller themselves.
You would need to see million and millions of account closures and huge huge drop in revenue to get any response or action from eBay, sellers that only a few hundred sales per quarter will go unnoticed, there will be 1000s of accounts each day that will stop selling and there will be 1000s of accounts signing up to sell also.
Some seem to think if they stop selling they have hit them where it hurts by not generating any sales for them and they are going to get a phone call from eBay begging them to come back, it isn't going to happen.
All the new policies have not even been completely rolled out so why would someone lose up to a month's worth of sales by putting their account on timeaway or ending all their listings? I could understand if they have been selling with the new fees or using simple delivery and it isn't working for them but no one has.
If they are happy for their items to sit there, unsold, gathering dust potentially losing value while those that are still selling will be enjoying the drop in competition and have no doubt have seen an increase in sales.
"Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" Comes to mind.
It's just as well most do not run a business because they would never survive with spiralling costs, legislation and whatever gets thrown at us, we have to adapt and make things work or we throw the towel in and give up, which isn't an option for most businesses when they have staff and bills to pay.
The one thing I still don't understand is those that hate this company so much still continue to log on each day only to keep posting the same old nonsense, they can't be all that bad can they?
I am done posting about the new fees, simple delivery, false rumours and whatever else people have an issue with, it's very tedious reading the same old posts about how they have stopped selling in defiance and it's about principle why they are doing this, I am trying convince people to at least give it a try before making a decision because it will be the seller that is losing over the long run.
Oh wow ! 11 kudos in such a short time... must be the "group"...
05-02-2025 12:15 PM
quoted eBay:
At eBay, we create pathways to connect millions of sellers and buyers in more than 190 markets around the world. Our technology empowers our customers, providing everyone the opportunity to grow and thrive — no matter who they are or where they are in the world. And the ripple effect of our work creates waves of change for our customers, our company, our communities and our planet.
05-02-2025 12:27 PM
Ended all my listings on 2nd feb and just waiting on my last 3 items to confirm delivery, have decided to wait 1 month like yourself and see if anything changes. I have been with eBay for 17yrs and I don’t agree to these new policies. I will not buy and pay 75p + other charge. I am not a catalogue so I expect payment on purchase NOT on delivery. I refuse to wait for MY money so eBay can hold it for interest in their account. Am listing elsewhere free now but will watch this space. Seems lots of private sellers are doing the same
05-02-2025 12:38 PM
'......I suspect it's American-corporate-speak, which implies they're out of touch with how Britons do things'
I suspect it's GLOBAL business bullsh**, and I hate all that stuff so much it makes my teeth grind.
It's so patronising to be spoken to as though we actually believe all businesses are doing stuff " just for us" , (smiley voice on advert!) and the banks etc. are 'by your side' when we know they'll throw us under the bus immediately if it makes the shareholders another 20 pence.
I'm prepared to put up with being treated like a cash-cow by all businesses (because I need or want their services) and have no choice in the matter.
But being spoken to as though I'm thick enough to believe whatever they're doing, is for *my benefit*..... !!! 😡
(joining you in your rant 😅 it chimes perfectly with my ranting!)
05-02-2025 12:52 PM
I take it ebay's share price went down then??
05-02-2025 1:02 PM
Just delisted my 25 listings and will be waiting to see how this pans out. I have however listed one new item and will be doing another as a test, (I'm not sure if a used remote counts as electronic equipment or not).
If simple delivery becomes mandatory I will be off anyway
05-02-2025 1:05 PM - edited 05-02-2025 1:09 PM
I guess you hoping they went down?
Down 0.34%
Still up for the month.
The stock is hardly falling and they are doomed as a company.
05-02-2025 1:21 PM
Not hoping, I don't do shares these days so don't really care one way or the other.
I was expecting them to go down and I think they'll go lower if the shambles continues (the App. problems, uncertainty over announcements that are changed at short-notice)
One thing you can always be sure of is Markets do not like un-certainty.
Looking longer term I'd be looking for ebay needing even more revenue to replace the $750 million it spent on share buy-backs last quarter. It's very likely going to need to prop-up the share price even more if this mess continues as the other changes are introduced.
05-02-2025 1:25 PM
Previous open @67.45 Close @67.18 ... After hours market -1.35% @66.05 - 66.95 -0.34% at close on 4/2
5/2 pre market @66.84 -0.16% currently
05-02-2025 1:40 PM - edited 05-02-2025 1:43 PM
If sellers want to stop selling then that is their choice but they have to realise eBay are a business that have to make money so they will make changes some will be for the good and some for the bad, but I know for sure eBay will survive simply down to market share and how much exposure they can give a seller's items and how easy it is to sell on here.
From eBay
You can shop with confidence knowing that payment is only sent to private sellers after your order has been successfully delivered.
Think about the above for a moment, they must have been dealing with some serious fraud from sellers not shipping items, they allowed people to get paid instantly and what happend, the trust was broken and sellers started to defraud people.
So if anyone is to blame it is all those private sellers that have forced eBay's hand to make changes because word would soon get round, don't buy from eBay the sellers never ship your items, this loses buyer confidence that will do more damage than any fee or simple delivery.
If you are done with eBay, close your account and move on, there is no reason to keep posting about how many listings you have ended and how you will never sell again on here.
05-02-2025 2:25 PM
I've ordered a ton of stuff off eBay and have only had two people not post my items out. I knew I'd get my money back if the item didn't show up. Ebay also recoup the money from the seller if they were already paid but the item wasn't posted. I know the vast majority of sellers will post out the items that I order from them otherwise they will end up having the money recouped or withheld from their account.
I didn't lose confidence because buyer protection was already in place. It looks like eBay is trying to recoup the money from buyers they're losing from not charging seller fees to private sellers anymore.
I think it will put a lot of buyers off from purchasing items if/when it is introduced to include all categories for private sellers.
05-02-2025 2:46 PM
Please stop blaming private sellers and telling people what to do, they have every right to express their opinions , just as you do and have... they also can do what is best for them whether that be to accept new policies or not and/or to close their account or just remove listings and wait it out... some have even taken a holiday break for time to " re-think" and " workarounds" or just to " breathe" without being bombarded by the " new & improved"... which by a accounts it is not... there have been so many changes in such a short period and private sellers are just that... private individuals, not robots and not wanting to run a business and have lives outside of eBay, don't you?
According to you and how eBays profits are going they already have plenty of buyers shopping with confidence...so what changed? It is a burb for a " stealth tax" it doesn't offer anything remotely like a " protection"... As for private sellers not posting, please do not club every private seller together. There are plenty of genuine honest private sellers too you know... A number of years back there were registered business seller accounts who " scammed" many by posting out for a month or two to get feedback and then listing 100's, getting sales and never posting or to be seen again. I was one of those who was subjected to such fraud!
Easy to sell?... Poor sales due to the lack of visibility, has been an issue for months on end now, reported by both private and business sellers, and if no visibility then there can be no interest or sales. To top it all, the glitches and issues with the " pages" and "apps" particularly at the time of new " implementations" all add to the stress of trying to " navigate " a non user-friendly site.
We are supposed to be a helpful and supportive " community" and yet it appears there is still " baiting" going on against private sellers who for the most part are being " roughshod!"
05-02-2025 3:00 PM
The distinction between private and business sellers on eBay is eBay’s own policy, not a legal requirement. Whether you’re a private seller or a business seller, the classification is purely a platform membership tag. As a business seller, I choose to use a subscription model for my own reasons. On other platforms, this separation is less clear, and the membership tag is simply a way to differentiate users Legally, the only requirement is informing HMRC and paying taxes on any profits – nothing more Now, regarding eBays new changes: the buyer protection fee is a marketing tactic, not a genuine improvement. Many of the protections being offered were already in place under different names. It’s just a buzzword to make buyers feel safer, and it does not really change much. The real problem here is that these changes are pushing private sellers away. Business sellers have pushed for fairer policies, but eBays response is hurting the very sellers who make the platform work – the private sellers. Many of these private sellers are also buyers, and their departure means less business for all of us. My sales will decrease as a result, just like every other business seller who depends on a balanced marketplace. In short, eBay needs to understand that by making changes to appease business sellers, they are driving away the very people who make the platform vibrant. Demanding more fees and changes without fully understanding the consequences is hurting everyones sales.
05-02-2025 3:02 PM
05-02-2025 3:05 PM
05-02-2025 3:18 PM - edited 05-02-2025 3:24 PM
I joined to sell, and a few months later I started to buy. And I bought a lot. Thousands of pounds worth of vintage clothes and craft tools and materials from private sellers like me. Mostly great sellers who took pride in their items and selling. I really do think the number of dud private sellers has risen hugely since ‘free to sell’. I’m dealing with one at the moment. Tomorrow I can escalate. What a faff.
I’m not selling any more, so I’m not buying anyway. If I’m not on the site listing it won’t occur to me to look for stuff to buy. I really don’t see eBay as a ‘shopping only’ site. I use individual shop websites or amazon for that.
05-02-2025 3:53 PM
'they must have been dealing with some serious fraud from sellers not shipping items'
Possibly so, but I'd imagine in the expensive tech cats. like phones? So why didn't they just come down on the scammable categories and leave the vast majority of 2nd hand genuine private sellers alone?
Can't imagine somebody 'scam selling' a load of second handclothing or collectables and consequently losing their account (and the ability to set up a new one) for a few quid.... a non-shipping scam would have to be worth while😈
05-02-2025 4:01 PM
@game_raid wrote:If sellers want to stop selling then that is their choice but they have to realise eBay are a business that have to make money so they will make changes some will be for the good and some for the bad, but I know for sure eBay will survive simply down to market share and how much exposure they can give a seller's items and how easy it is to sell on here.
From eBay
You can shop with confidence knowing that payment is only sent to private sellers after your order has been successfully delivered.
Think about the above for a moment, they must have been dealing with some serious fraud from sellers not shipping items, they allowed people to get paid instantly and what happend, the trust was broken and sellers started to defraud people.
So if anyone is to blame it is all those private sellers that have forced eBay's hand to make changes because word would soon get round, don't buy from eBay the sellers never ship your items, this loses buyer confidence that will do more damage than any fee or simple delivery.
If you are done with eBay, close your account and move on, there is no reason to keep posting about how many listings you have ended and how you will never sell again on here.
"From eBay
You can SCAM with confidence knowing that payment is only sent to private sellers after your order has been successfully delivered."
Not very good now eh ? 🙄