Every one is jumpy since the new rules and rightly so . Private sellers selling their own bits and bobs do not pay tax . It’s the private sellers buying new to sell new and selling under the radar which eBay will be sending there details to the tax man
I had a message this morning from a business who said private sellers are not worth there time. Well I would like him to see this answer . When I joined eBay 20 yrs ago it was us little sellers that bought in buyers and it grew because of us . but as time went on and businesses arrived but we all made eBay home. EBay is a community made up of many .I as a seller paid my fee’s and as a buyer I enjoyed the many things that private collectors sold . But if I needed some thing new for my home we went to the business sellers to get it
untill recent my seller fee’s for what I sold was high then vat then taking half my postage because of crafty sellers getting round it by 99p item and high post .and eBay went across the board .now it’s absolutely stupid buyers having to pay protection money when they buy from private sellers .in 20 yrs boy have I met some dodgy ones .now it’s this stupid simple delivery .no nice words to say
now I have to wait time for my money .but that’s not the worse now if I add postage I have to pay upfront and wait .the smaller private sellers who are coming in as eBay is on the telly if they sell for £2 they must charge postage but not everyone can do that .and pay up front .buyers all want postage free but that’s not possible some times . No private seller or a business on their own can make eBay . Not everyone can buy new .so do not say we are not worth the trouble because I am telling you we are needed and we are a big piece of eBay puzzle