Most of my sales now international. Domestic buyers are so cheap and always cancelling

Anyone else noticing this? The number of domestic buyers cancelling orders has been a real eye opener for me. International buyers even with the increased postage are far happier to pay a reasonable price. I don't want to tar them all with the same brush but I'm finding British based buyers have to be the cheapest scroungiest ebay purchasers out there. Always pleading for a huge price discount. To be frank it's pathetic. I invariably just put them on the ban list.

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Re: Most of my sales now international. Domestic buyers are so cheap and always cancelling

I am the opposite. Had two international sales, 1 cancelled. None of my domestic buyers cancelled. Although yes some are asking for discounts.

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Re: Most of my sales now international. Domestic buyers are so cheap and always cancelling

Haggling is part of eBay and uk life. We are a shrewd bunch so you can expect that to continue. 
But, we do tend to be respectful with lowball offers so if you are being rudely lowballed, that is by people trying to make money for resale. 

Just thinking out loud. 

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