Is Carol Vorderman there ?.

Hello all,

Please do not be offensive .Thanks. I left School 50 years ago with no qualifications. I barely understand numbers now when I am in my 60's and even less so with significant memory loss  issues.


Yesterday the same person sent 3 offers all of which I had to decline and I explained why each time. The explanation was that the amount offered was less that the postage cost. I had to delete the listing.


I am aware that the price I list for is not the price someone will pay.Even when there was Seller fee's I knew before I listed what the fee was so could put a buy it now price and a minimum offer price taking that fee into account.

 Now though I don't have a clue whats going on as the offers I'm being sent are strange amounts like £2.83,£4.71 and the like.


The question is this -  in 2024 I could list something at £5.00 ,postage £2.69 with Yodel leaving £2.31 for me.

In other words I knew the costs and knew what I would be left with. Is there some mathematical calculation or a  way of listing with a price where whatever the buyer pays will still leave me with £2.31 ?.


And if there is would it work with any listing price ?.



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Re: Is Carol Vorderman there ?.

Is there some mathematical calculation or a  way of listing with a price where whatever the buyer pays will still leave me with £2.31 ?.


Just list the item at what you want for it (eg £2.31), and let the buyer worry about eBay's protection racket.


"Take deep breaths, it'll soon be gone"

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