Guerlain Stopping My Sale

Anyone out there with this problem? I'm trying to list a vintage bottle of Guerlain Samsara, but I get a red notice in French saying I can't and wishing me success with my selling on eBay. I am in England with an English account. There are hundreds of Guerlain products on eBay, so why is mine being stopped from listing? 

Message 1 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

I would think it is to do with the VeRo programme. See the link at the foot of this page. Guerlain probably have the rights to their products and don't want anyone ele selling them.


We don't know why the other listings are allowed through unless they have not been reported yet.

I'd advise against trying to relist as your account could be restricted.

Powered by cats Cat Happy
Message 2 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

Thank you for the reply.  I'll take your advice and not try to list it again. It's very annoying that others seem to be able to list Guerlain. I don't understand why it only seems to be me with the problem, but thanks for responding. I appreciate it. 

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

You're welcome 🙂

Powered by cats Cat Happy
Message 4 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

Please don't think it's personal , yours being spotted whilst others still listed.


The site is vast with over 7 billion listings on at any one time,  impossible to check each and every listing,   so some invariably will slip the net and become listed.


When they are spotted and reported  ,and if they too are breaking a selling rule or Vero policy,  the latter being the most likely,  they too will be removed.


Heed  @*guinevere* wise words,  and  do not attempt to relist,  because selling penalties would be imposed on your account.



Message 5 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale


I'm just slightly blown away that "Intellectual Property" rights are being used to stop people selling items they own, can't quite work out how that works.


Seems like abuse of the law to me, you are the owner of the item and you should have the right (and I believe you do) to do anything you want with it including selling it.


A bottle of perfume (I think? showing how unclassy I am) doesn't come with a license agreement, you didn't sign a contract saying you will not sell it etc.



Message 6 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

It's because there are so many fakes around,  and being an online shopping platform no one can physically check to see if the item is real or not.  eBay's Authenticity Guarantee works for some high brand items,  but not for all.


The High Brands,  the Chanels,  Dior, LV's all have Vero protection so these items when spotted are removed , and yes,  unfortuantely the rel McCoy falls under the same umbrella and is removed.


One can try and gain permission from the Brand owners to sell an item on eBay, but I've never seen,  or read here that anyone was sucessful.  Receipts can just as easily be forged too.  

Message 7 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

I agree with you, peturning. If I bought it (from a department store - no, it's not a fake) then why can't I do what I want with it, as I own it? Thanks for your support anyway 😊

Message 8 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

Thanks for your comments on this. The odd thing was I never got as far as uploading it. I was stopped when I went to do that. 

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Guerlain Stopping My Sale

Yep,  those eBay bots can be very fast !

Message 10 of 10
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