Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

I'm a private seller. Items I sell are between £2.90 - £10. Is It just me or will ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb make it near impossible to sell competitively. A few months ago Ebay got rid of Sellers' fees for private sellers, which was a welcome move. But this new change and getting rid of multi-buy discount for private sellers will make it worse than it was with the original fees.

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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

Unless you switch it off you get notified for every post on any thread you posted on.

Message 1221 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

I totally agree, it really stinks!

Message 1222 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

Not only that. They applied the buyer price hike to b.i.n items that were already listed (and had watchers) before the change, then disable the ability the revise the description to inform buyers. I have no choice other then pull my listings. Facebook "cash-in-hand" is starting to look more favourable to this mess.


Message 1223 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

Auctions too. I think one I was watching changed to BPF on the last day. When it's parent category got added.

Message 1224 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

'I'm not sure how these forums work as I seem to be getting replies that are
for other people???'



If you look at the top of any comment, underneath the name of the person who posted it, you may see a little upwards-pointing arrow with 'in response to' (whoever).

That's who that comment is replying to.


If there's no arrow etc , the comment is replying to the OP.  i.e. the comment or question that started the thread..

Message 1225 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

It’s possible 

I have a son with asd who, every season , from the age of 5, had home, away, 3rd, training, different cup shirts, tracksuits, a coat, rain jacket etc. 

if you are in a position to afford it, why not?

the difference is, he keeps his and thirty years on, lofts are bulging 

so don’t say that families don’t collect football shirts in abundance.  They do 

Message 1226 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

Unless you are a collector personally people have no idea how obsessive it can become. One whole room in my house is occupied by my stamp collection.Many many millions. Ovr 50 years spending my spare cash on as many items as I could buy. My wife finally put a stop to it in 2012.

Still have one room in the house that is all mine though!!!!!

Message 1227 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

If this was a way of stopping low value sales by private buyers on eBay then it has worked, sales of nick-nacks have fallen off a cliff edge. It is very clear eBay do not want private sellers they want everyone to become business sellers so they can fleece them. This has become such a dreary difficult place to make a few quid on. I cannot wait to get everything sold and pack it in

Message 1228 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

Sent from my iPhone
Message 1229 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

Agreed.  When I have sold my last bits of my collection, that’s it.  I won’t be buying or selling again 

my buying far outstrips my selling so I’m sorry about that.  
but I don’t think that the things I usually sell, ( my unwanted clothes etc) will be of much interest with a BPF.  they’ll go to charity instead. 
after 20 plus years, it’s good to be appreciated 

Message 1230 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

I think many of us have not yet clearly understood we are no longer welcome.
This wasn't a decision from Ebay towers taken on a whim, when you accept that this chapter has ended then the rest of life will continue.
I think many of us enjoyed the involvement and interest specifically in the long evening months.
It's a big decision to walk away but the sooner you make that decision, then the sooner you start to develop your other interests.

I have bought a large stock of seeds and am now looking forward to the greenhouse growing season.

Good Luck to all.

Sent from Outlook for Android<>
Message 1231 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

When I make a sale I've always sent a message to the buyer which asked them
to contact me if there is a problem. I've now changed it to the following:-
"Thank you very much for your order which was dispatched today. I am sure
that you will be pleased with your order but the cost includes a "Buyer
Protection Fee" which goes to Ebay, not to me, so please contact them
directly if there is a problem".
Message 1232 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

100% at the end of the day it increases the final price for buyers so the seller is forced to reduce the price to allow for the fee same as taking 4% off at the end. 

I have taken my items for sale off eBay will be a thing of the past soon. A greedy man will eat himself!

Message 1233 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

'I think many of us have not yet clearly understood we are no longer welcome.'


I agree. Those of us who have been on eBay a long time, will have got very accustomed to eBay as it was - a nice place to enjoy selling bits & pieces, and/or bid for 99p bargains etc. Selling was relatively straightforward - you could pretty much just get on with it, without eBay 'interfering' at every turn.


These recent big changes - BPF, Managed Payments, Fund Holding & Simple Delivery, will make eBay a very different place, going forward. A lot of us 'little people' would prefer it would go backwards, but as that won't happen, many will feel enough is enough - and drift away to pastures new.


It would be interesting to know how many already have...


Message 1234 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

ok so ebay don't wont us to buy items ok noted as I am not paying nothing extra you can jog right on

Message 1235 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

And if you have a residential mortgage, mortgagors (lenders) usually include clauses in the mortgage contract which prohibits running a business from the property, or which would require their prior written consent.


Some mortgage contracts forbid running a business from the property. Breaching that could mean the lender requiring immediate repayment of the mortgage.


Lenders are entitled to assess the amount of business activity - if more than 30%–40% of the property is to be used for business it may require a semi-commercial mortgage.


Whether buying a place with a mortgage or without, it's good legal self-protection to inform your licensed conveyancer or conveyancing solicitor if you plan to run a business from home, so your conveyancer can specifically check for restrictive covenants in the Title Deeds and consult local councils regarding planning permissions or licenses, especially if customers will visit the property or structural changes are planned/needed.


Boring and officious, but it's a good idea not to fall foul of your lender, and not to assume they won't find out. An eviction for breaching mortgage terms can be quick and brutal, and make for human tragedy.


Message 1236 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

they weren't responding to you. Look at the message - it says in response to 1956glyn - oddly a message from the 5th january.

Unfortunately, ebay never make this clear in the emails they send out.

Message 1237 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

Well, you're rude!


But I apologise if I offended you.


The "you" in my post was general advice in case anyone found it helpful. I didn't expect you'd take "you" as specifically referring to you.




Message 1238 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

What we need is an entrepreneur to see that Ebay has created a market gap
with all these changes and set up a clone of what Ebay used to be - they'd
have people flocking to it.
Message 1239 of 1,691
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Ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb

I hope you won't scare off too many of the small business holders here, with the ‘privates' on their way out there won’t be enough hands on deck to raise the sails.
Message 1240 of 1,691
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