03-01-2025 11:53 AM
I'm a private seller. Items I sell are between £2.90 - £10. Is It just me or will ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb make it near impossible to sell competitively. A few months ago Ebay got rid of Sellers' fees for private sellers, which was a welcome move. But this new change and getting rid of multi-buy discount for private sellers will make it worse than it was with the original fees.
06-01-2025 10:21 AM
@barry.110 wrote:Forgive me if this question has already been asked but there are so many replies to this topic I can't wade through them all.
What I would like to know is if I list something as an auction and start it at £10 do the buyers on the listing see it as £10 or do they see it as £11.15, which is £10 plus 4% and the 75p fixed fee? Or do they just get a shock at the end when the item might have been bid up to £29 but then they get told to pay £30.91?
Also do we know if we list something with separate postage cost does the buyer then also get charged extra on top of that as well?
The buyer will see the £11.15, the fee will not be hidden. Apparently on auctions when they put in a bid they will be told how much extra they will pay.
the fee is not on the postage.
06-01-2025 10:22 AM
Yea actually you do pay for the banks protection its just they add it into the really bad exchange rates and the fees they charge you yearly or monthly!
06-01-2025 10:23 AM
06-01-2025 10:27 AM
06-01-2025 10:30 AM
Stamp values have slumped considerably in the past 20 years. Some traditional dealers are still asking "old" prices for stamps - 50% catalogue value, for example - when identical items are offered on eBay and elsewhere on the Web for 10%. A couple of years ago, I was offering some Australian 1930s issues at about 18% , and winced when I saw another listing at one per cent!
For some years now, my only reason for selling is to find a good home for something of little value, rather than throw it away. But I'm unhappy at the prospect of sellers giving up listing old postcards. At any one time, there are 100 or so listed on eBay for the theme that I collect.
06-01-2025 10:31 AM
06-01-2025 10:33 AM
its not just 4% its + 75p each item so 10 items at £2 is £20 + 80p + £7.50 = £ 28.30 how is going to pay this much extra ? with a two week window for payments how are sellers going to keep track of payments ,easy at the moment ,item paid (i leave feedback at this point) you send no more to be done, but now two weeks to back track ? what a mess
06-01-2025 10:34 AM
06-01-2025 10:38 AM
06-01-2025 10:42 AM
@gblcfc wrote:
There is no legal requirement to do this - even ebay do not require it - neither do HMRC
Are you a 'Business Seller' and what do you sell please?
No i am not a business seller, although i have been in the past on another account. I live in a house of collectors and every so often those collections get downsized so that is when i sell but can go months without listing anything. I may not even bother anymore with the new managed delivery.
06-01-2025 10:56 AM
@dantwocats wrote:its not just 4% its + 75p each item so 10 items at £2 is £20 + 80p + £7.50 = £ 28.30
If these ten items are all part of the same transaction then it appears that there is only one 75p charge. I think that this wasn't very clear when eBay first announced this new scheme as they referred to "75p per item" but their FAQs now make it clear that it is actually 75p per transaction.
06-01-2025 11:21 AM
@g1dgl wrote:
@dantwocats wrote:its not just 4% its + 75p each item so 10 items at £2 is £20 + 80p + £7.50 = £ 28.30
If these ten items are all part of the same transaction then it appears that there is only one 75p charge. I think that this wasn't very clear when eBay first announced this new scheme as they referred to "75p per item" but their FAQs now make it clear that it is actually 75p per transaction.
No it's not. It one x 75p if the items are bought from the same listing. If the items are bought from different listings, it's 75p for each item - so they end of single postcards, stamps, knitting patterns etc, where a buyer will buy multiple different items from the same seller.
From Buyer Protection | eBay:
The Buyer Protection fee is applied to every listing by a UK-based private seller (excluding Vehicles, Classified Ads and Property) and is calculated as:
When purchasing multiple quantities of one listing, the flat fee of £0.75 is only charged once.
For example:
Item price set by the seller for multi-quantity listing | £10 |
Buyer Protection fee variable (4% of £5, x 2) | £0.40 |
Buyer Protection flat fee | £0.75 |
Price that buyer sees for the listing | £11.15 + postage |
If you purchase two different items from the same private seller, the flat fee is charged per item.
For example:
Item price set by the seller (item 1) | £10 |
Item price set by the seller (item 2) | £20 |
Buyer Protection fee variable for item 1 (4% of £10) | £0.40 |
Buyer Protection fee variable for item 2 (4% of £20) | £0.80 |
Buyer Protection flat fee (£0.75 x 2) | £1.50 |
Price that buyer sees at checkout | £32.70 + postage |
06-01-2025 11:22 AM
I do sell a lot of items at a loss but a small profit on others.I roughly break even but I a not concerned much about the profit/loss as my enjoyment is the cataloging and listing itself. I will indeed suffer bigger losses when this comes into force so I will probably switch it to a busi.
ness account which I think is the main purpose of Ebay doing this, but as I said I am not a business and will have to bite the bullet, and suffer all the complications with HMRC that I will no doubt encounter.
If you want to see the consequences of this new policy have a look at the message board at Delcampe, another platform that went down this road months ago , it destroyed itself.
Make no bones about it at some stage simple delivery and buyers fees will be introduced to business sellers, the screams will be heard from the moon.
06-01-2025 11:25 AM
06-01-2025 11:30 AM
about 9,000 at the moment.
06-01-2025 11:36 AM
They stopped the multi listing for private sellers though. They will be making far more than they were previously.
06-01-2025 11:36 AM
06-01-2025 11:36 AM
Not only that but its being hidden from the buyer so a £10 item will be listed as 11.15. This makes it difficult if I want to get a combined price as the Seller could say £20 but this will be listed as 21.55! it will be very confusing. I have a friend that sells bit and pieces they they have accumulated over the years and now might have to wait 14 days for the payment to arrive from ebay
06-01-2025 12:03 PM
I am pretty sure all the good til cancelled items relist for free every month and are not included in the 250 free listings.
06-01-2025 12:14 PM