Ebay Refusing to pay your money

How many people here have had their money " withheld" with the Ebay scam !!

They accepted my buyers payment, took their commision plus advertising fee and then decided to put a restriction on my account.

Now they are asking for proof of delivery for all my past sales when I use Royal Mail untracked before they will lift the restrictions. Thats something they know I can't supply.

"Ebay you are distroying any respect you had" enjoy your money!

We need to get together to bring them to justice and make them accountable for their actions

please put your case below so we can bring this to their attention because im sick of speaking to the junior clerk thats told what to say


Message 1 of 109
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108 REPLIES 108

Ebay Refusing to pay your money

I came across this thread as I was considering selling again. I have quite a few items worth several hundreds of pounds, mainly watches where I can get 25%-35% more through eBay than high street dealers, but, it's just not worth the hassle. Scammers claiming they received something other than advertised. Returning a box with a rock in it etc. and now eBay withholding money.

No thank you, I just can't be bothered.

Message 41 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

For watch sales, many brands and more expensive items are now covered by the authenticity guarantee. If a watch is covered, and the buyer decides to return it, it has to go back to the authenticators.

If the buyer doesn't return the same watch in the same condition, they don't get a refund.

This does provide a level of protection for the seller.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 42 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

Would a £500 Longines be covered? My understanding was that it's for £1500+ watches. What if the authentication team decide if it's not authentic do they send it back or keep it? Are we at the mercy of their opinion? Do get the money once it's been paid and the item received?

Message 43 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

Hi this is what Ebay says about the authentification service




Yes it does appear that watches have to be £1500 or over

Message 44 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

@n1ck04 wrote:

Would a £500 Longines be covered? My understanding was that it's for £1500+ watches. What if the authentication team decide if it's not authentic do they send it back or keep it? Are we at the mercy of their opinion? Do get the money once it's been paid and the item received?


Read the link provided by Glyn.

Message 45 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

I have done and the answer is no, the authentication program has no bearing on the watches I would be selling. So, if I sell them am I going to have to wait months on end to get paid? If the answer is no, then great. If it's a maybe, possibly or anything else non commital then eBay is not for me.

Message 46 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

What makes you think you will "have to wait months to get paid"?


AS  new/returning seller you will have a hold on funds but certainly not months.https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/selling/getting-paid/getting-paid-items-youve-sold/payments-hold?id=4816...



Message 47 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

From reading the above. It's all very well posting policies but frankly, I don't have much confidence in them. EBay policies also state you can't sell fraudulent merchandise. I have reported several items, mainly watches, explaining with clear detail why they are counterfeit only to be told they won't take any action. I have seen several business sellers listed private sellers who are allowed to continue. Honestly I have given up reporting anything as I have no confidence in them upholding their policies. Any suggestion that money will be held for a non specified duration in the event of being challenged is off putting. I have no control over how long eBay take to resolve an issue, regardless of what evidence is put to them. I have evidenced reasons why fraudulent sellers are selling counterfeit watches but in their determination they were fine. Insufficient knowledge and no ability in being able to substantiate genuinity concerns me greatly.

Message 48 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

@n1ck04 wrote:

From reading the above. It's all very well posting policies but frankly, I don't have much confidence in them. EBay policies also state you can't sell fraudulent merchandise. I have reported several items, mainly watches, explaining with clear detail why they are counterfeit only to be told they won't take any action. I have seen several business sellers listed private sellers who are allowed to continue. Honestly I have given up reporting anything as I have no confidence in them upholding their policies. Any suggestion that money will be held for a non specified duration in the event of being challenged is off putting. I have no control over how long eBay take to resolve an issue, regardless of what evidence is put to them. I have evidenced reasons why fraudulent sellers are selling counterfeit watches but in their determination they were fine. Insufficient knowledge and no ability in being able to substantiate genuinity concerns me greatly.


From personal experience I have every confidence in the hold on funds policy.


Most reports are handled by AI.

I would not expect eBay to take my word re counterfeit anything.

That's why there is a  VERO Polcy for participants to use.


I agree with you re incorrectly registered sellers.

Message 49 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

No one is forcing you to use Ebay so why are you?


Your attempts at hiding your abusive text is pathetic, unnecessary and offensive. 

Message 50 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

To the person who said "i dont ship now until the money is in my account" - that's exactly the same stance I use. Payments are usually processed in a day and that is within my handling time anyway.

The only time you can be sure you have your money, is when the payout has been sent.

Message 51 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

WHO ??


There is a "Reply" button on every post, why not use it if replying to a post?


It seems it is being used less all the time.



Message 52 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

Who -was the person whose post has been removed.

Why - because it was offensive.

I think I have just about got the hang of how these boards work but thanks for the advice!


(replying to you by using the 'reply' button)

Message 53 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

Can you hold on to the item until you get paid? I thought eBay kept it until the item was received. I have no idea how it all works now. I'll have to spent a bit of time (which I don't really have at the moment) to work it out.

Message 54 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

As soon as Ebay have received the money from the buyer, it will be processed and guaranteed. The only delay is for new or infrequent sellers who have to wait until the tracking shows delivery and then Ebay can make them wait even further which sometimes causes upset for the seller.

The more you sell, the more payments will be instant.

Message 55 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

@n1ck04 wrote:

Can you hold on to the item until you get paid? I thought eBay kept it until the item was received. I have no idea how it all works now. I'll have to spent a bit of time (which I don't really have at the moment) to work it out.

Quite possibly, yes you can.

For most sellers (excluding the holds for infrequent/new/returning sellers), eBay process the payments quickly, and send them out the next working day. So after the next working day, you will see an email saying "We have sent your payout", or similar, and that is when it is safe to dispatch the item, knowing you will receive payment.


It's if you are a regular seller and you suddenly get a random hold applied to your payments (excluding any holds for not as described/not received cases) that there's cause for concern!

Message 56 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

@cobwebcottage wrote:

As soon as Ebay have received the money from the buyer, it will be processed and guaranteed. The only delay is for new or infrequent sellers who have to wait until the tracking shows delivery and then Ebay can make them wait even further which sometimes causes upset for the seller.

The more you sell, the more payments will be instant.

Not really a good experience, is it, make the seller wait for delivery and then make them wait even longer for an unspecified amount of time... You have to make your services appealing to the customer if you want them to continue trading with you, and I feel that eBay is not doing this, and instead actively putting off the new seller, making them sell elsewhere instead.


Remember, eBay is not the only online marketplace, and also not the only way you can sell items online. It may be one of the more popular options, but it's not the only solution.

Message 57 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

No, it certainly is not a good experience, especially as whatever definition of "infrequent" ebay uses seems to be rather ill-defined these days.  We've seen numerous cases where sellers have been using ebay for years to have a periodic clear-out of their wardrobe or garden shed without any problem.  But then without warning their funds are held when they do exactly the same as before and ebay decides this is 'risky' for some reason.


We should question why, when ebay says that delivery confirmation or positive feedback received can over-ride a Hold, is it so frequently the case when one, the other, or both can be shown, does a seller get a blunt refusal to release funds? 


We've even see some absurd cases where a seller has been "returning" or "new" and has been paid normally for weeks/months and for numerous sales, but again without warning, will have their payments Held.


@cobwebcottage   It's not really true to say "The only delay is for new or infrequent sellers.." as selling an item significantly more valuable than the sellers norm can also trigger a Hold.

As can a rapid increase in the number of sales.


Looking at the "Help" pages, there are so many "mights", "could's" and "maybe's" that it's nearer to the truth to say that ebay can put a Hold on funds at any time, because even without bringing any of the above into play, ebay can still manufacture a 'need' to hold funds by telling a seller they need to re-verify their personal or bank details.


Personally I think that the uncertainty of being paid in a timely manner is an important reason for ebays loss of popularity with private sellers as it's mostly them that have to put up with this treatment.

Message 58 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

Does anyone know how long it will be before i will be classed as an infrequent seller and have my payments on hold if i stop listing?  (which i have)


Not convenient  currently but i am thinking i should list one or maybe 2 items to avoid the above if its only say 4 weeks or so.  Or maybe Time away?

Message 59 of 109
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Ebay Refusing to pay your money

I've wondered about that myself as I've only sold 3 items this year, 1 in March, April and May, which can mean a gap between sales of up to 7 weeks.  We're now into July and my last sale was on 27/5, making it about 6 weeks ago.  This is my quiet time of the year, as it's Summer Holiday season so I may not sell anything until the schools re-open in September.


I removed all my listings just before Christmas until February and then only sold an item in March, so getting-on for 3 months with no sales and didn't have a Hold put on the proceeds, although I started listing again sometime in February, so having live listings might help. 


But I note that everything on the Help pages refers to "Sales", not just having live listings and with my sales on ebay getting fewer and further apart I feel I must be skimming on the edge of becoming an 'infrequent' seller.


But does it really matter to me as when we see the first posts from sellers re. 'ebay wants my NINO', I'll be ending my listings because, going by past performance, ebay will wait for a sale and Hold the proceeds as a lever to get the information before releasing the funds.


I'm not going to get caught in that situation.

Message 60 of 109
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