11-02-2025 1:05 PM
Sold item 5 weeks ago. Buyer won’t pay or collect & eBay won’t allow me to cancel the order. I’ve emailed ‘buyer’ to say it’s cancelled. What do I do next as I don’t want to have this open for ever more
11-02-2025 1:13 PM
If it's too late to cancel all you can do is put their ID on your blocked bidder list:
and relist if you want to.
11-02-2025 1:34 PM
Call CS and get them to take it off your orders then relist the item.
11-02-2025 3:45 PM
11-02-2025 3:55 PM
You can still refund the buyer. You have 90 days to do so through eBay.
Click on the item then top left View Order details.
Go right to More Actions, from there select Send Refund.
If not possible on the app you'll need a PC / laptop to manage this, Chrome works well on eBay.
11-02-2025 4:05 PM
@tressygirl the buyer hasn't paid so I think the sale is just stuck in their orders.
11-02-2025 4:10 PM
Aahh silly me back on naughty step for me @cobwebcottage .
I have no excuse here, as it's also in big letters in the title !! 🙄
11-02-2025 4:12 PM
More caffeine needed today 😋
11-02-2025 4:14 PM
@cobwebcottage wrote:
More caffeine needed today 😋
You know what @cobwebcottage ....... you're spot on ! 🙄