20-02-2025 4:38 PM
I have been reading the rules about the new digital reporting from Ebay
My understanding is that you can sell upto 30 items per year or upto £1700 then Ebay send the info to HMRC
30 items a year is not much when trying to sell some old stuff
My question is
is it per calendar year (I believe it is)
or per tax year
20-02-2025 4:42 PM - edited 20-02-2025 4:43 PM
It started January 2025 they report at the moment for 2024. then in January 2026 they'll report for 2025.
so per annum
For now anyway they stated with new accounts but will extend it to older ones later.
They will also be looking into previous years at some point but this is a massive task so not tat the moment.
20-02-2025 4:46 PM
I was wondering as if per tax year I have 'sold' 30 items
but if per Calendar year only 14
20-02-2025 4:58 PM
It is January to January. But even if they do looking at what your selling i wouldn't worry.
20-02-2025 5:24 PM - edited 20-02-2025 5:24 PM
@gebu93 wrote:I was wondering as if per tax year I have 'sold' 30 items
but if per Calendar year only 14
It is per calendar year. It is only a reporting threshold; it does not change your tax position in any way. If you're only selling your own unwanted personal possessions - which is what you appear to be doing - you would have no new tax liability for going over either threshold.
The only reason to stay under both thresholds would be if you didn't want to hand your National Insurance Number over to eBay. eBay are obliged to ask for your NINO by law if you go over either threshold and they would be obliged to withhold any payout due until it was provided.
20-02-2025 8:47 PM
Who knows?
I did read that they would start sending most of the info from January 2025 but that would mean that they would be started 3/4 of the way through a tax year and therefore 75% of the info would be for 2025/2026 tax year, for which you would have to have sent your self assessment to declare the income (or not) by 31st January 2027. If, God willing, we are still here then!
Of course, self- assessment- and indeed the requirement too register as sole trader or a limited company - is not a requirement if the turnover (less certain business allowances) is under £1000.
Nor if your items are your own possessions. Though if an individual item (or a set or a pair but not a mechanical item such as a car) sell for a profit of £3000 (or £6000 if the item belongs to both you and your spouse) then you have to declare the amount for capital gains tax!
Only fair! Especially for the Ferrari sellers, if you have a spider in your garage made by Enzo and thinking of getting rid, the fabulous profit you make when you sell will be ENTIRELY free of tax! And to think poor folk are worried about having a tax bill!
Still with me?
Don't give it another thought if you are selling your own items - EXCEPT - a very good idea to keep a note of any items you sell, including when it was bought, how much was paid for it, whether or not there is a paper trail (credit card statements for instance or inheritance info) and the full costs of selling it, including fees, postage, envelopes, sellotape and the amount of petrol used to get to the post office and back!! HMRC love paperwork, and be sure to keep 20 years worth at any time, preferably on paper that doesn't fade!
It is 30 items or £1700 before your info is logged with HMRC - by each individual online platform that you sell on- it is NOT that you are limited to selling only 30 items or £1700 - you can still sell your car for market price or even more and you can still sell your 3000 plus marvel comic collection or even your mum's entire collection of 487 Beswick Horses.
Conclusion - if you are a business get your gateway account and everything else sorted by October 2025 - bear in mind that one of the hardest things in this life is to run a successful (for successful read with a net profit) business and, if you are a business, get very familiar with all the business allowances!
If you are not a business, keep a few records just in case an over zealous guy or gal from HMRC come calling. I once got a gal from HMRC collections department at the door for a 12 year tax debt - which they had already sorted out twice by then - a warm welcome and an offer of a cup of tea goes a long way - they rarely get offered a cup of tea, apparently (lovely lady sorted it and gave us two tax rebates!)
Personally - what with the monies its costing us all to become green reduce our carbon footprint, and save the world until Superman appears to do it for us, anything second hand bought and sold - by both businesses and private sellers - should be tax free, VAT free, post free and otherwise none of the government's business except to pat us on the shoulder, give us a supply of envelopes and free wifi, and a medal because we are the only thing stopping Temu - and China - taking over the planet!
Rant over!
20-02-2025 9:35 PM
I enjoyed reading your rant magpie 😂 (even agreed with one or two points...) hope you feel better now 😙
20-02-2025 9:48 PM
Do they report on user id or individuals registered across ids cos u can have more than one sellin I’d
20-02-2025 9:49 PM
I wonder who decided selling 30 items might be a tax issue lol
21-02-2025 6:40 AM
@edwardian-dreams wrote:
I wonder who decided selling 30 items might be a tax issue lol
The 30 or so countries that signed up to the agreement.
21-02-2025 6:43 AM
@edwardian-dreams wrote:
Do they report on user id or individuals registered across ids cos u can have more than one sellin I’d
20-03-2025 1:59 AM
Looking at my account, last year I sold 116 items. This year I have sold 14 items from 1st January until 19th February when I set my account as time away.
So technically I have 16 items left before HMRC would get me this year. I guess the only way around this would be to have only the expensive first class recorded delivery and jack my prices up to deter most people from buying.
Since all this stuff with Buyer Protection Fee and HMRC has come in, I have only purchased 3 items and nothing this month at all. The lowest I have had for years.
The ebay experience sucks and they have turned a compulsive buyer on their platform (myself) into hardly even bothering to purchase anything.
That free to sell advert on TV annoys me now, it was good when it came out in Autumn last year, but guess they had plans then to do this and that was a sweetner to get people hooked in only to be duped later on with the Buyer Protection Fee
20-03-2025 6:37 AM
Why do you want to list in such a way that you deter people from buying? That seems counter productive.
If you are worried about HMRC getting your data for 2025, just stop listing.
20-03-2025 11:50 AM
The problem with HMRC is that then it opens up a whole can of worms, that I really do not have the time to deal with. I would be earning near £50k per year, many of the things I sell are household junk or items bought but never used.
I may not even sell over £1k worth of items, but then it is just hassle to time to then register myself as a business which is further expense, file tax returns etc.
It is counter productive, but then I have been left with no choice, it is just a case of me winding down my ebay account.
The items would just put them in the loft or bin them.
20-03-2025 11:56 AM
Although as i understand it current reporting is last years sales so anything you sold on 2024 reported in 2025.
So you may already be on the radar