Business Seller Board
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Forum Posts

RETURNS for fashion/clothing retailers (but other categories please chime in)

This post has been on my mind for a while. I'd love an open discussion. My returns rate is currently a shocking 13.8%. It has climbed steadily from 9-10% over the last 3 years. Prior to COVID I had been at under 10% for years. This coincides with a d...

Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I gave negative feedback to a seller for what he/she claimed i have not checked the parts comparrison chart !! I had done a comparrison check and the photo on the listing was what i wanted . I recieved a item that was poor quality and was not the ite...

Is this a bot?

I'm a long time ebay user privately but became a business seller in the last year. I've never encountered this situation before but it's definitely shouting scam or bots. I have an item listed for sale, a buyer negotiated a discount & then never paye...

Share your tips for increasing sales

Good afternoon to you all it's very easy to get bogged down with negativity. I for one have in recent times been quite negative, but this morning I had a sale and yesterday I had 3 so I've decided to try and be positive in these uncertain times so I ...

Chinese Sellers with UK addresses?

how come there is at present so many Chinese sellers on here who are allowed to put their despatch location as here in the UK? I've found loads of items which are undercutting most UK sellers and they all show their location as in the UK but then hav...

Recommended Item Specifics - Glitch

A few of my items, which have been listed for a while, have just been flagged to Add Recommended Item Specifics. I go into these listings, add a new item specific or tick the box which says don't remind me about this again, click Save - and nothing h...

Any way to allow postage to New Zealand?

I'm sure I used to offer postage to New Zealand, but I've just been contacted by a potential customer who is unable to buy, and indeed it seems New Zealand is not selectable as a postage destination. I'm reluctant to use 'Worldwide' and rely on eBay ...

Collapse in sales & views

What has eBay done? I was regularly selling items, and my 31 days sales were around £18-19k up until April when now its £8900 and going lower everyday. Many items listed recently (over the last month) have 0 views and its not as if our prices are mor...

Promotions from free to pay on sale and pay per click - the good, the bad, the expensive

In an ever-evolving market, advertising on eBay is here to stay. I’ve dabbled with some success and some failures (learning experiences!). I’d love to start a debate on what’s worked/ not worked for others and throw around a few theories to keep push...

buyer had wrong address, they updated it then re bought item and now refused delivery

Hi guys, I have a buyer who bought a medium sized parcel item and then messaged me saying their address is wrong and to send it to a different address. They stated that the parcel will be too large for them to carry from their work. I messaged to say...

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