Offsite ads :)

Been using offsite ads for the past few months. Noticed a big uptick in sales once you get over the learning period. Worked it out and its far cheaper than Googles Ads as well. So happy days. Just thought worth mentioning if people were wondering how to promote their products.

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Offsite ads :)

For Oct, Nov, Dec I was given a 75% off offsite fees promo. So I tried it.  My ROAS was @3% (had I been paying 100% of fees) despite letting the campaign build traction. So I think it depends on a lot of factors regarding what sector you sell in, how price competitive you are.

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Offsite ads :)

Agree, I tried running it with the hefty discounts they offered and all it did, was cost me money.

I think a lot of it in my case, was due to constant rotation of stock, so nothing to really get to grips with for the advertising.  So very much depends on how and what you sell etc.


Message 3 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

I think is a good idea for OP as they sell individual personals items.


I was offered a deal  to use Off Site promo but as I explained to the Ebay ,It s not worth me doing for the items I sell.

If I paid for offsite exposure buyer will come to ebay at my expense to be greeted by every other seller who sell very similar item.

That would n`t be so bad but there is on Chinese company who have now 10 + accounts selling the same items in each shop and listing them 4 to 10 times with slight variations in the title.This gives them massive exposure and allows them to spam the listing/search system.  So I might as well just pay him the promo cost as money as they are statistically going to buy from them.


The Ebay rep told me all platforms do this now and told her ,"Yes but they have a level playing field ."

This sort of search manipulation isn`t  allowed on other platforms,you only have to look at Amazon to see this .


Good luck to OP I`m glad its working out for you.  


Message 4 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

I think you may be misunderstanding the way the ads work.

They direct traffic to your listings, not generally to Ebay.


So yes, if the buyer decides after going to your listing, to go look for something else, then those other listings may well win out.  But if they have already gone direct to yours and price is ok, then you should win.


This actually has nothing to with search etc on Ebay.  So this manipulation will have no affect at all on Offsite ads.


Message 5 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

So yes, if the buyer decides after going to your listing, to go look for something else, then those other listings may well win out.

The buyer doesn't 'decide to look for something else' -  that would require action on the buyer's part to activate a search.  In reality, eBay bombards the buyer with advertisements for other sellers, just a click away - so the buyer goes down the click-click-click rabbit hole and loses sight of the listing that first attracted their attention.

Message 6 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

Of course the buyer decides to look at something else.  Whether it's because there are things to click on the same page or not.  They are hardly forced to are they?


But quite honestly, it's no different on most of the other sites either.

When was the last time you took a look at anything on Amazon, Onbuy, Ebid and so on?


So just to keep it to the biggest, ie Amazon.  People pay an absolute fortune for advertising on there, but just because they have similar items on the listings, it doesn't stop them.


Hell, it's actually no different to going in a shop.  Big sign at the end of the aisle, 50% off this product.  But it's by a couple of others.  People still go look at them and the buy the alternates.  It's just the way things work.

Message 7 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

It does go to my listing but without the customer initiating a new search other sellers items are shown on the same page .So its pointless un- less you have unique items.

Message 8 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

I'd rather spend the money promoting my website over eBay and save the 20% (on average) fees that we pay.


Anyone with their own website would be foolish to spend on eBays offsite ads.


It seems that much of eBay's downturn is due to Google removing it from all its search results except for the shopping ads.


From my own experimentation, it's not much harder or expensive to sell from your own site than eBay's. 20%+ to eBay or run a well managed shopping campaign yields about the same results and also expands your customer base rather than eBay's.


Message 9 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

After running an offsite campaign for two months I have taken a look at the sales coming from the campaign. A whopping 30% of sales now come from offsite google ebay ads!! And we are laying out bugger all in the grand scheme of things. Average cost per click is 12p. This is far far cheaper than our google adwords campaign. So we are well chuffed we at least tried out the ebay offsite ads. I think it works for us as we only sell personalised items so we are a bit of a niche. If your selling car parts it probably wouldnt be as successful.

Message 10 of 11
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Offsite ads :)

Different ways of doing ads works for some and not others.

Closed my eBay shop last April and reduced listings to a few oddments so I can 

concentrate on the website.


Spending similar to an anchor shop on google PPC which gets many, including 

myself sucking through teeth like a car sales man.

But has resulted in the best ever rolling 12 months sales on the website other than 

the covid crazy sales period.


Without doubt the 1st couple of weeks after Christmas this year has beat all 

previous years. Mostly due to PPC (and the you-tube channel for those who know me)





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