08-11-2024 10:00 AM
So if anyone is going to the North pole please drop a copy of my wishlist off to Santa
Please can I have the following from Ebay; I’ve been a good boy; I’ve generated lots of sales for Ebay this year and as a “Valued member “ of ebay for over 27 years I’d like the following -
Decent Christmas advertising … if Lidl or Aldi can do it so can Ebay. “ Ed the Ebay Elf … they can have that idea for free from me ….
Competitive fees for business sellers …. Please, just so we can compete with the private sellers who seem to have a 20 bedroom house with 5 garages of stuff to sell as a “ side hustle “
More clarity on GPSR … I’m only little and don’t understand it … as the big corporation they are please ask them to help a tiny seller through this.
I’d quite like rewards for selling, i.e. nectar points that I can cash in for next Christmas to buy toys for tiny Tim .. I reckon I’d try and do more sales on ebay if I got rewards for selling rather than buying.
Thanks Santa .. if I think of anything else I’ll get it added to the list
Gary aged 5 and 3 quarters
PS …… we don’t just have Christmas pies for you for Christmas eve we have M&S ones … stuff next door the parties at ours !
08-11-2024 10:04 AM - edited 08-11-2024 10:06 AM
You've more chance of Hell freezing over, ebay is the Ghost of Christmas past.
Me, i want a book on Neanderthal Predation.
08-11-2024 10:16 AM
Sorry to dissapoint you, but even after much discussion with the elves - ebay remains on the naughty list this Christmas - maybe next year if they behave themselves.
Ho ! Ho! Ho!
Merry Christmas
Santa Claus
08-11-2024 11:24 AM
08-11-2024 12:00 PM
If you wanted those wishes to come true you'd have to address your wishes to a far higher power than Santa, and even in the event that He was listening I'm not entirely sure that even with His powers He'd be able to reverse the colossal mess that eBay have made of the site...
08-11-2024 12:00 PM - edited 08-11-2024 12:08 PM
Yes that book, good call, good thesis, makes for though provoking thinking and fills a few gaps in the present theory, in a somewhat sarky tone, for half a million years we had invented a spear, then in ten thousand years we have probes leaving the solar system.
Kind regards, Shane.
08-11-2024 7:29 PM
Give us a clue ?
08-11-2024 8:00 PM
I have raised your Christmas wishlist up to our relevant eBay team and it will be dealt with as a priority
Thank you for your (insert time on eBay) years as a loyal eBay seller, I hope I have dealt with your query today.
Christmas Customer Service Agent is typing.....
08-11-2024 8:10 PM
Just a reply back to the emails, whatsapp messages, pm's and a call back when they are promised would do me for a start, you know basic customer service.
08-11-2024 9:08 PM
I think the answer to a lot of your wishes is........close your business account.
Then reopen a Private account and sell on that for free
No fees, as opposed to subsidising the private sellers with your business account, and being royally ripped off by eBay at the same time.
That's Santa's answer too.
08-11-2024 9:10 PM
"Them and Us How Neanderthal Predation Created Modern Humans", it's about how Neanderthals were the dominant types of humans of which there were around six, they were the apex predator, the rest were lunch. Northern Europeans have about 1 to 2% of their DNA, they are us, we are them.