18-09-2024 8:09 PM
I have zero promotions running on my account yet every time I look at my seller hub dashboard I am presented with some figures.
Every time I refresh the page, they change to something else.
Is this a bug? Or should sellers be worried about the accuracy of their stats on their dashboard?
18-09-2024 8:27 PM
It does show you for standard promotions as well as full promotions, offsite ads etc.
ie. the x% that you put on individual listings.
19-09-2024 7:10 AM
Yes but I have absolutely no promotions running
19-09-2024 6:32 PM
I noticed this panel today. Like you, I don't have any promotions running, but my ROAS is up 13.54% - refresh the page it's 0% - refresh the page it's down 100%.
Bizarre. Truely bizarre.
19-09-2024 7:29 PM
Every time I load the page up it has different figures.
Can anyone who promotes things go on their dashboard, look at the figures and refresh a few times to see if they change to random numbers like this?
Gives me concern for the accuracy of data being shown.
19-09-2024 7:46 PM
Bizarre - always looking for logic, did you turn off any advertising campaigns and so the rolling 7 days is slowly decreasing hence 209, 34, 26 (decreasing clicks as period in advertising in last 7 days diminishes to zero)
19-09-2024 7:52 PM
No I have had no advertising campaigns on for over 9 months.
Just went on my dashboard, screenshotted these, this is refreshing 3 times in 5 seconds showing these figures.
19-09-2024 8:02 PM
I can refresh my seller hub page & get different numbers like your examples above every time. I only use the minimum standard promoted 2% for my listings.
19-09-2024 8:09 PM
Why is the site self distructing.
19-09-2024 8:13 PM
seriously jelous of the no advertising spend but I guess its very much product/ sales volume/ competition dependent. Its most definitely a glitch. I've got quite a few campaigns going here's mine:
20-09-2024 9:03 AM
I have 0 promos running (not even standard) and still i see in the dashboard the box under promotions is applied. I click in the listing and 0 promo and 0 applied at checkout so yes i do think theres a bug in the system so i just ignore now
20-09-2024 3:10 PM
So how do we trust the data and does this also mean the traffic data should also become suspect?
23-09-2024 8:08 PM
It is working again now, that's more like it!