07-02-2025 1:13 PM
i got jump scared into turning myself into a business account , and i have been questioning myself about it for days .
all seemed fine on the 4 th when i changed it , however on the 5 th my sales were still showing that finds would take 2 weeks to be available . i called CS and said that it looked normal and i would just have to send it out with tracking ... i was shocked that this was the way business sellers had to operate as it stated on the ebay seller guide that business sellers would still be paid within 1 to 2 days . it turns out this was not normal and for that day all my sales had fee's charged to me as a business but they payments for me where seen as a private seller . i sent out items 48 tracked at my expense to make sure it would be delivered faster so i could get paid on time . the sales on the 6 th however had their payments to my funds cleared within 24 hours but now i am stuck with funds on hold for up to 2 weeks as they include internattional sales as well .
not that i would be able to pay myself out as while setting up my business details i had to confirm my bank details as well and even though they were the same as my private ones it stated that due to a change in my banking details my funds would not be paid out for 48 hours ... for which i had no warning at all .
the use of bulk labels generator has also been unusable for 2 days , while it lets me pay for single labels it keeps saying there are no funds or payment options set up if i try to do several at a time . which is just a waste of paper at the moment as i'm still having to use a full sheet for 1 .
on top ot that while it shows me how much free listings i would have as a business and what any extra would cost , that collum explaining the fees never said that while auto renewals are free for private sellers as a business these would all be charged and i have thousands . i have the basic show now and will likely have to pay to go to the medium now in order to keep 1500 but either have to drop the next 1000 i have or pay to have them renewed as there is no way i can afford the most expensive option for endless free renewals . i really feel this should have been more clearer .
for now just hope funds will become available to pay myself out later today as i have been selling for 3 days , seen about a 20 % increase in selling cost operating as a business and have not even been able to pay myself out anything . and the payments from the first day are still delayed for days because they were processed as private sales.
07-02-2025 1:24 PM - edited 07-02-2025 1:27 PM
eBay is a bit glitchy at the moment due to the new Buyer Protection Fee coming in and ebay doing lots of updates. It should settle down eventually and things will work properly.
At least you are correctly and legally registered now
Your payments will sort themselves out once the system realises your listing have updated to business seller listings
It takes a while for the system to update which is why some payments are being held as if you were still registered as a private seller
Upload all tracking numbers from your Tracked items to ensure funds are released promptly.
Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class parcels all include free delivery confirmation numbers which should also be added to the listings to ensure prompt payments (and to prevent you having to refund buyers for items they claim did not arrive!). The number is on your receipt.
07-02-2025 1:43 PM - edited 07-02-2025 1:46 PM
Thank you for sharing, sorry you are having more " issues" to deal with and hope these are sorted for you sooner rather than later.
Did you register as a business seller because you are running a business or did you jump because of all the new " implementations?"
If you are genuinely trading, have you also registered for self employment with HMRC?
I wish you every success in your endeavours and hope everything works " better" for you.
edit to add.@maarsy
07-02-2025 1:51 PM
'i have the basic show now and will likely have to pay to go to the medium now in order to keep 1500 but either have to drop the next 1000 i have or pay to have them renewed as there is no way i can afford the most expensive option for endless free renewals'.
Yes, you are going to have to delete over 1000 of your listings, even if you upgrade to a featured shop or you are going to be charged a fortune!
Try to list just under the 1500 to allow for roll over ( and new listings) and you can change 600 of your current listings to auction as this is the allowance for a Featured shop.
I would stop listing at the moment as you are going to run up a lot of fees and the featured shop is going to cost you £77 plus VAT.
Your funds will eventually become readily available once you are correctly set up.
There are plenty of sellers who will give you help and support on the business boards so don't hesitate to ask when you need to.
07-02-2025 1:59 PM
in a fact yes i run a business and am registered as such with HMRC so i pay my dues on my profit , someone mentioned a few days ago that changing to a business account means i have to follow the consumer rights but i was doing that anyway .
i know someone will say that i should be trading under a business account anyway but i have yet to see the benefit of it .
07-02-2025 2:01 PM
My impression is that almost everything you're selling is way under a tenner. What kind of business is this? Do you actually manage to gain a living wage out of it? Forgive my curiosity, and don't feel obliged to answer.
If these are items that you've collected over many years, I feel you should have stayed a private seller. If you're buying items from your local charity shop to sell on, you're a business, but not, I believe, a viable one. You're not going to get much more than the shop was asking.
If I were in your shoes and that's a private collection, I'd register a second account and eventually close the business one to save ongoing costs. If some of the items were bought to sell, I'd look for some other site to sell them on. But what do I know? I'm no expert on any of this. I'm sure others will give you better advice.
Look before you leap.
07-02-2025 2:06 PM
People run businesses as a side hustle
Not as their main income
A side hustle business can be viable if you want to earn some extra but not your whole income
07-02-2025 2:07 PM
'eBay is a bit glitchy at the moment due to the new Buyer Protection Fee coming in and ebay doing lots of updates. It should settle down eventually and things will work properly. '
It's also Friday (which is maintenance day when things are normal..) so probably double glitchy today 😟
07-02-2025 2:07 PM
@myriad*seller wrote:People run businesses as a side hustle
Not as their main income
A side hustle business can be viable if you want to earn some extra but not your whole income
I understand that. Have you looked at the OP's listings? Does that look like a profitable side hustle to you?
07-02-2025 2:08 PM
@johnwash1 wrote:
@myriad*seller wrote:People run businesses as a side hustle
Not as their main income
A side hustle business can be viable if you want to earn some extra but not your whole income
I understand that. Have you looked at the OP's listings? Does that look like a profitable side hustle to you?
Yes, I have, depends how many you sell, really, and how much profit you are happy making
07-02-2025 2:13 PM
Running a business on eBay you need to be on a business account so well done.
What benefits? your customers benefit not you,
consumer rights but i was doing that anyway . No you weren't you did not display your trading address on your about me info. Which is a vital part of the legislation.
You may have looked after your customers but consumer rights are so much more.
Benefits the only benefit is the peace of mind your doing the correct thing. So again recognition where it is due.
Give it a couple of weeks to settle, things sold the week before change will be under different terms as far as getting pay-outs they were sold under a private account it only sales going forward from that point that will get paid quickly, but i think they treat you as a new account for a period even though you just upgraded.
Best of luck
07-02-2025 2:16 PM
That's great so you were set up anyhow, it was just eBays account which you have sorted. I thought maybe that was the case after having a quick look at your items - as wondered if you were a " hobby seller"... such hard work you have done to list and for your shop, hands down to you... I think I'd be on the floor trying to even list 50. 🤣
I do think that eBay should have different tiers regarding business accounts , not just one as some big businesses with high turnover can thrive and cope with the account fees but others which are smaller and have lower prices or even " hobby sellers" who don't carry stock would be hit hard too.
Do not worry what others may say regarding " accounts".. it is your business and you are doing what is right for you. I am a private seller so hopefully business sellers can give you more support, I think there is a business section you can access so hopefully you can find more information to help you.
Good luck.
07-02-2025 2:17 PM
@myriad*seller wrote:
@johnwash1 wrote:
@myriad*seller wrote:People run businesses as a side hustle
Not as their main income
A side hustle business can be viable if you want to earn some extra but not your whole income
I understand that. Have you looked at the OP's listings? Does that look like a profitable side hustle to you?
Yes, I have, depends how many you sell, really, and how much profit you are happy making
Fair comment.
Let's wait to see whether the OP tells us whether or not they were buying to sell.
07-02-2025 2:24 PM - edited 07-02-2025 2:25 PM
They mention their shop and " more stock coming in" in their listings
"welcome to my shop , i get new items in stock every week and will list new items 4 - 5 times a week so keep an eye out there might just be the thing you are looking for."
07-02-2025 2:27 PM
Yes, they have said they were already registered with HMRC as a business, and now registered with eBay so have a shop.
07-02-2025 2:34 PM
@johnwash1 wrote:
@myriad*seller wrote:
@johnwash1 wrote:
@myriad*seller wrote:People run businesses as a side hustle
Not as their main income
A side hustle business can be viable if you want to earn some extra but not your whole income
I understand that. Have you looked at the OP's listings? Does that look like a profitable side hustle to you?
Yes, I have, depends how many you sell, really, and how much profit you are happy making
Fair comment.
Let's wait to see whether the OP tells us whether or not they were buying to sell.
I have now seen post #5 and I apologise for not paying full attention.
I'm still baffled at how this is profitable to any degree, but I wish the seller success. Their items have had a bit of extra exposure due to this thread, perhaps some extra sales!
In general I'm baffled that ebay doesn't have an utterly basic intro level of business a/c. E.g 100 free listings, no shop, no subscription, FVF the way it was for private sellers 13.2%+30p. As it is, there's far too much incentive for start up businesses to trade as private.
07-02-2025 2:54 PM
'As it is, there's far too much incentive for start up businesses to trade as private.'
I agree with you there.
Along with ; why would a private seller need a shop? ....but they can have one.
And why would a private seller need an 'out of stock' option? (when they shouldn't be 'stocking').... but they can have one.
If you can get these on 'private', why change to business?
07-02-2025 3:18 PM - edited 07-02-2025 3:19 PM
@johnwash1 wrote:
@johnwash1 wrote:
@myriad*seller wrote:
@johnwash1 wrote:
@myriad*seller wrote:People run businesses as a side hustle
Not as their main income
A side hustle business can be viable if you want to earn some extra but not your whole income
I understand that. Have you looked at the OP's listings? Does that look like a profitable side hustle to you?
Yes, I have, depends how many you sell, really, and how much profit you are happy making
Fair comment.
Let's wait to see whether the OP tells us whether or not they were buying to sell.
I have now seen post #5 and I apologise for not paying full attention.
I'm still baffled at how this is profitable to any degree, but I wish the seller success. Their items have had a bit of extra exposure due to this thread, perhaps some extra sales!
In general I'm baffled that ebay doesn't have an utterly basic intro level of business a/c. E.g 100 free listings, no shop, no subscription, FVF the way it was for private sellers 13.2%+30p. As it is, there's far too much incentive for start up businesses to trade as private.
Yes, I think that is a great idea
Ideal for people who want to set up a small business but want to test the waters.
All legal, properly registered but designed to encourage enterprise and new businesses. And no buyer protection fee malarkey to worry about!
Suitable for people that call themselves "hobby sellers" too. So they can be correctly registered as businesses but have an incentive to trade legally.
It will all add to eBay profits so I cannot see the downside
Well, until someone points out the loopholes that inevitably must exist...