22-01-2025 8:14 PM
I'm probably going to stop selling on ebay if this simple delivery is enforced on me as a seller. However I may continue as a buyer. With all the hullaballo generated over this topic one thing I am unsure about is, as a buyer do I get to chose how I want the delivery made? Because as far as I can see from the numerous posts about this there are only two options ebay are offering, standard or 48, but no mention is made of who the carriers are offering this service. I get the impression from these boards that standard is by Evri and 48 is RM 48 tracked. Along with my selling activity I only buy from sellers using RM as I avoid couriers at all costs. So if I'm unable to chose RM as a buyer, then it looks like I won,t be selling or buying here anymore.
22-01-2025 8:19 PM
It's not compulsory for sellers - yet. Buyers will be able to choose from RM and Evri.
22-01-2025 8:33 PM - edited 22-01-2025 8:33 PM
From the screenshots of listings using Simple Delivery at the moment, the buyer sees Standard Tracked or Express Tracked options, they are not told who the services are with, it seems to be ebay that decide.
22-01-2025 8:39 PM
That is what is confusing for me as a seller because I only ever use RM particularly for fragile items... so who chooses, buyer, seller or eBay? There is no way I am posting using Evri.
I just can't get my head around it and I am certainly not purchasing scales and having to get a tape measure out every time I need to parcel something up and then stress if the label is correct for the size or indeed the item - so many non-eligible items too... It is overwhelming. @kempseykate
22-01-2025 8:56 PM
As a buyer I'd want to know which courier is being offered. We have just been through a nightmare with Evri and wouldn't knowingly touch them with a bargepole. Their AI customer service is a nightmare, the parcel arrived damaged and the company hadn't got a clue what was going on. As a seller I'd be very unhappy if ebay foisted this company on my buyers.
22-01-2025 9:03 PM
I do and will only use Royal Mail as i trust them and they collect from me as well as deliver to my safe place. But if people chose any other option i will not be able to sell to them as i have no transport to get to drop off places or post office
22-01-2025 9:07 PM
Well that's it then isn't it. I would have to cancel and get a neg feedback if Ebay chose Evri, what a sad state of affairs this has become. And they are still messing up my postage after days of me trying to fix it. Worldwide £3.20 and Sweden is £4. The endless fiddling with the system is causing massive problems and they are already playing with Feb 4th, when i try to change a listing for a £3.25 item £4.06 pops up and disappears
22-01-2025 9:09 PM
Same here Evri is a definate no for me. I do weigh and measure and work out parcel sizes i always have but don't actually sell much that needs parcels
22-01-2025 9:10 PM
If they have some sort of financial deal with them they probably will
22-01-2025 9:13 PM
That link also shows that collection is not available, where can we find the updated versions please?
22-01-2025 9:31 PM
Me too - I get help from the my son and/or post office and sorry- not sorry, but to insist that I have to package and measure etc as eBay says and to use a postal service that I have no faith in...when I have been managing my account for 17yrs successfully, for eBay to line their pockets, well, there are no words... it is a shambles IMO.
22-01-2025 9:34 PM
Looks like it's changed again
In help page it says RM and Evri drop
In seller centre private seller is now the same no collection available
The important thing is that every time we list SD will automatically come up as an option each time we list an item.
If we want to opt out must chose Custom Package and then we can do our own postage
I think people are missing this
If Ebay do chose the courier if we go for SD they will take into account buyer and seller location and distance to drop off point..
How do they know how far away my Post Office is or the RM delivery or lockers and parcel boxes? It's all nuts tbh
22-01-2025 9:39 PM
In this link is says that you can opt out of SD on every listings when it automatically comes up by using custom package, but has to be done every time
22-01-2025 9:39 PM
What is the " official " date for SD to be introduced to private sellers?
I read somewhere that if SD is not used then there is no "protection?" I have read so much and can't find it now, but it definitely stated that if Simple Delivery was not used then there was no protection or " cover" for items posted?
Do you know if there is a new list of " eligible" items, as surely not all are suitable for SD.
I actually probably will stop on here anyhow, but want to get all my ducks in a row 😉
22-01-2025 9:43 PM
Don't know i've read sometime in the first 3 months of this year. Yes they say if we don't use SD we won't be covered for this and that , feedback , loss all sorts but we aren't now anyway i've managed for 20 years ok
They are also saying for SD that from time to time there will be special offers like discounted postage and free postage, got to laugh in my case the postage is often more than the value of the item
22-01-2025 9:43 PM
Obviously there will be as the contract is between the postal couriers and eBay - I would hazard a guess that the prices are discounted or a kick back? eBay will probably also up the price buyers pay with minimum discount for sellers, and pocket the difference? - on top of which they will also get the BPF.
22-01-2025 9:45 PM
A rival is having a 2 week 50% off buyers fee deal right now, can't say who but no doubt Ebay will do the same at some point
22-01-2025 9:45 PM
'As a buyer I'd want to know which courier is being offered.'
Yep, if I'm buying I like to avoid evri....... they put the parcel on the ground in front of the door, knock once, then dash back to the van and drive off.
(I've watched 'em do it whilst I was at home, but upstairs)
I know the drivers are under serious time pressures, but this is just asking for trouble. There's quite a lot of 'orrible toe-rags round my way who will nick anything that's not nailed down...☹️
Not being given the opportunity to avoid evri, is going make me go shopping somehere else.
22-01-2025 9:45 PM
I do not see how they can say not covered if SD is not used, when it is the actual postal service delivering the parcels... that is an eBay get out clause IMO.
22-01-2025 9:48 PM
Yes if i use RM i am covered by them. When odd things go missing which isn't often i take the loss rather than the fuss of proving everything. A medallion did go missing because i forgot to track and he was crafty said not received and wanted the tracking number, just down the road from me too a few miles, big seller so i'm watching his listings