buyer protection fee?

Can someone tell me who is getting  the buyer protection fee? is it another way for eBay to earn CASH?  & why can I not send invoices? can some one explain this also..bye PS..I am a private seller & all I profit after the usual expenses p.p.ebay cost go to various charities MIA 

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buyer protection fee?

eBay receives the Buyer Protection fee.


There's currently an issue with invoices, at this stage nobody knows if it's a technical one or if it's some kind of permanent change to do with the new fee, so that it's applied to each order. The jury's out on that one, there are loads of threads on Seller Central about it.

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buyer protection fee?

Thank you for the did work for a may be right after
all if eBay can earn extra on each item sold why change it? if you have the
time tell me who keeps the buyers protection fee? eBay...thank you & bye
for now Mia.

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buyer protection fee?

Ebay keeps it, it's part of their income structure. 

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