06-03-2025 11:07 AM
Why are we encourage to sell items for free as a private seller, when ebay send a msg
Apparently I have been downgraded from 300 items to a msg received saying."You can list up to 115 items and £1,100.00 in total sales this month"
I am downsizing and selling a lot of my Family's in the house and household items that has been stored away gathering dust.
When do you think this issue will be solved???????????????????
06-03-2025 11:13 AM
The limit is for every Private seller (300) per month start on the 1st of every month.
So it is not just you and this is your second thread on this subject just add to the other thread.
06-03-2025 12:02 PM
If you need to list more, just pay the fees.
06-03-2025 12:11 PM
i would say you have listed 185 so far this month.
06-03-2025 12:21 PM
Perhaps send a screen shot of this note?