06-02-2025 3:48 PM
A Seller sends an offer of £5.95, you think that’s good and then go to accept. You then see eBay add the buyer protection before checkout. So that’s how it works!
the moneyz is added on at checkout in the smallest writing and it made me think twice before purchasing.
06-02-2025 3:49 PM
Picture here of the best offer from a seller that appeared today
06-02-2025 3:53 PM
I can't see a picture.
06-02-2025 4:06 PM
Sorry ebay make it very difficult to upload from my phone, as the screen shot was valid (sigh!). On the desktop, so here it is!
06-02-2025 4:13 PM
Do you have a screenshot of what the seller offer actually was?
06-02-2025 4:15 PM
I can see this causing some confusion and annoyance. Luckily the sellers will be on hand to mop up the mess.
Thanks Ebay.
06-02-2025 4:26 PM
Here you, I knew it flashed up somewhere, but had to hunt for it. I think it will cause a little confusion. I think it's a sly and sneak way of doing it. I guess Vinted are leading ebay, as they do the same I understand. Funny how the largest online auction is not the leader now!
06-02-2025 4:27 PM
please see photo attached from the front screen of my ebay.
06-02-2025 4:32 PM - edited 06-02-2025 4:33 PM
So seller offers £5.95 but when the buyer reviews the offer the price has increased to £6.91 due to BPF being added AFTER the sellers offer is received by the buyer?
BPF = 96p
£6.91 - £0.96 = £5.95 (original sellers offer sent to buyer)
06-02-2025 4:56 PM - edited 06-02-2025 4:57 PM
What about the scenario when a buyer sends an offer to the seller and if the seller accepts the payment is automatically taken...
When Ebay charge the buyer automatically will the buyer get a surprise that the price is higher than what the seller accepted?
06-02-2025 5:08 PM - edited 06-02-2025 5:09 PM
I believe it will be the surprise, although I’ve seen authorisation screens for credit card payments to have a ‘buffer’ to allow a higher than expected payment to go through.
Not on Ebay but from indy shops that use squarespace or bigcartel or somesuch to support checkout.
06-02-2025 5:19 PM
I've not made a single offer to sellers since eBay asked to set up automated payments to make offers.
Its ebay and sellers loss.
06-02-2025 5:22 PM - edited 06-02-2025 5:23 PM
Neither have I.
Its a purely psychological thing but that ‘pre - pay’ screen is so off putting I’ve either abandoned the thought of buying the item on seeing it or just bought some items full price to avoid it.
06-02-2025 5:26 PM - edited 06-02-2025 5:29 PM
I've used the auto pay via paypal on offer accepted by the seller a few times with no problems, just says 'auto-paid' in my purchase history instead of 'paid' if I had done it myself.
Going back to an offer received by a buyer, with the BPF being added onto a seller's offer when the buyer reviews the offer, I can see buyer's abandoning the purchase as the price has increased above the seller's offer.
06-02-2025 5:33 PM
Agree: this whole thing is convoluted.
See related issues here: