Print on Demand?

Hi ladies/gents


I'm just wondering, is Print on Demand a thing on eBay?


I'm thinking about opening a separate eBay account for POD as I do it elsewhere and its something I really enjoy.


Does anyone have any experince selling POD on eBay? 



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Print on Demand?

Well, i just typed `print on demand` into the search box and 18,000 listings came up, albeit a mix including books etc, but the service itself seems popular. i guess, like anything Ebay, it`s the competition your up against, whether or not you can compete and make a living and what it is you`d actually offer for print, from a copyright aspect. Not my field, but i`m sure someone will offer better advise 🙂

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Print on Demand?

Yes, I did that too and it mostly brought up art prints.


The type of POD that I do is mainly t-shirts, baby vests and mugs etc.


When a customer is searching for a t-shirt lets say, they dont search for print on demand as its not really a thing from the customers perspective, its a business term - its a business model.


So if a customer is searching for a t-shirt, they're going to search Dog Mum t-shirt, not print on deamnd t-shirt if that makes sense?


So I just wondred if anyone had any knowledge or experince selling POD on here?


My only issue is that POD is not overly expensive but its more expensive than alot of the t-shirts coming up on the search that I am seeing on here so I just wonder if its worthwhile setting up on eBay.



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