No sales

What is going on with the lack of sales on eBay?

3 sales in five's like a ghost town!!

has everyone moved to another platform? Because at this rate when I can go I will have to......because can't afford to stay on eBay,just not making enough money to survive let alone live. It's a shame because I like eBay but when another platform gets more traffic,will offer 0 fees,14 day returns and far less complicated to list.....then what choice do you have.

Message 1 of 23
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No sales

I know it's dire,I get about five days worth of sales per month which is hardly worth the bother and like you I will have to look for other avenues to sell my stock.

Message 2 of 23
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No sales

I seem to get a few sales then its dead for a week.

I guess its now holiday season and people are spending their hard earned money on holidays.

Message 3 of 23
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No sales

Let me guess, your sales just "dropped off a cliff" around March 15th?


I have seen so many posts where other sellers sales plummeted on or around that date, including myself.


This includes Private Sellers and also Business Sellers and the fact that sellers can identify an actual date when things mostly just stood still says to me that something drastic happened within eBay (intentionally or unintentionally), whether they want to admit it or not.


For me, the drop in sales coincided with accepting the 100% off FVF offer for Private Sellers, which I think created a huge flood of items by Private Sellers but also by Business Sellers masquerading as Private Sellers.


Admittedly, I never sold a lot of items (maybe 2-3+ per week but constant), but from March 15th this dropped to 2 items (or less) per fortnight.


Although that offer has since expired, I can imagine the items listed during that time period (unlimited amount of items over a 2 month period) just keep getting relisted over and over again.


Obviously, I do not know this for sure but eBay customer support say nothing has changed, which is obviously wrong if many people have noticed the same thing starting at around the same, so Occam's Razor.

Message 4 of 23
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No sales

This week has been the worst week for me.......but yes it has been going downhill for a few months now. I know the cost of living and holidays play a part but my partner has a shop on eBay and he is doing okay......he sells trainers. Also I get really odd sales sale a day for five days in a row sometimes I will sell two but that means I won't sell anything the next day. 

Message 5 of 23
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No sales

As for the sales patterns, I have seen this for years and it is sometimes regional, where several sales in a few hours are from unrelated buyers at the other end of the country and all within 50 miles of each other.


I have even had no sales for weeks and then 3 sales from Scotland, followed by a week lonh hiatus and then several sales from Wales.


Some will say this is due to some kind of local social media exposure after the first purchase but I beg to differ.


Even more odd is when I have had two sales with the buyers being 100s of miles apart and the first name of one buyer is very close to the surname of the other,  For example, Robert Benson and John Robertson, which are made up names, but you get the picture.


If it happened once, yep, coincidence, and although it's not frequent, has happened quite a few times over the last few years.


It's almost as if eBay are only showing certain items to certain areas at certain times.

Message 6 of 23
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No sales

People always make blanket excuses for eBay, saying that the cost of living, cost of energy blah blah blah is the issue and although the cost of living may be affecting some people, there are still a lot of people buying big houses and driving around in brand new, expensive motors, so the COL crisis is not affecting eveyone.


But, I suppose those people won't be the ones buying on eBay anyways and the ones that do buy on eBay possibly are the demographic that actually do have less disposable income?


No-one knows for sure but for so many to notice a huge drop in sale all at the same time, well something doesn't smell right to me.

Message 7 of 23
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No sales

Customer service is absolutely useless, most of the time they don't understand what your talking about.....what ever the problem is. They always say.....have you checked your competitors prices ( of course I have ) I had one CS women shout at me in a very aggressive manner KNOW BODY WANTS YOUR STUFF.......nice!!

Message 8 of 23
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No sales

Had this also......three sales in Cheshire in one day and the name thing.

I am totally not a conspiracy theorist but eBay just isn't right......just all to odd.

Message 9 of 23
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No sales

@smossy2 wrote:

Customer service is absolutely useless, most of the time they don't understand what your talking about.....what ever the problem is. They always say.....have you checked your competitors prices ( of course I have ) I had one CS women shout at me in a very aggressive manner KNOW BODY WANTS YOUR STUFF.......nice!!


Message 10 of 23
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No sales

@tressygirl wrote:

@smossy2 wrote:

 I had one CS women shout at me in a very aggressive manner KNOW BODY WANTS YOUR STUFF.......nice!!


Did you contact them via Live Chat and have an email copy of that reply?   We hear many incorrect answers from CS , but such an agressive almost abusive answer surely can be taken further here and needs reporting .



Message 11 of 23
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No sales

I had three orders today.  One for me, and two for the charity I fulfil orders for.

Comes to something when a small charity website can attract more buyers than eBay.

Message 12 of 23
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No sales

No I had them call me......this was probably last year.

she sounded like she came from the Philippines.

Never had someone from CS talk to me like that before.... I was shocked.

But then my partner had this really bad customer he sold to that kept on calling him up very drunk at etc..... and asked him if he had ever been raped . My partner rang CS and They Thought it was funny and started laughing.

Message 13 of 23
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No sales

I've given up trying to work out what's going on. This is my worst quarter sales since starting on eBay over 10 years ago.  This is not my only income but I do depend on it to make things easier. I've tried just about everything I can but not much seems to be working. I am looking at revising listings but my heart is not in it much right now. Don't get me wrong I am getting sales but low value. I have 10 parcels waiting to go out tomorrow and that's 5 days sales but I've only just cleared my shop fee. I'm hoping things pick up soon but for now I'll concentrate on the tidying and organising of my stock room until sales pick up 

Message 14 of 23
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No sales

For me it is the same. The sales became very low from 15th March when I accepted the 100% off fees. Since I have 1 or 2 items sold fortnightly. The situation is very difficult and we can't make money. It is very hard. Someone else in the same situation. 

Message 15 of 23
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No sales

Yes I really agree with you. I don't have sales since 2 weeks. Before the 15th March I had around 2, 3 sales per day and my sales were around £700 per month but now nothing. What should we do in this case? Someone can help us ? Thank you 

Message 16 of 23
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No sales

it feels like your items are invissible unless you promote your items at around 10%


what really ennoys me is eBay include items from USA, China, even Australia by default when you search for something.  I know you can select UK results only but a lot of casual buyers dont know this. its sort of hidden in plain sight.


whats the solution? maybe increase your prices and promote your items more or use cross-listing software across multiple platforms, or find a less saturated niche.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein
Message 17 of 23
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No sales

To be honest, I'm thinking about open another account as an individual because when I list an item, there is 36p each time your item is renewed and it can stay and not sold. I'm going to see when I open a new account what happens? If someone has a solution to our problem please help us ? Thank you 

Message 18 of 23
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No sales

Hi, when the fee free started on 1st October I have no sales at all. I had sales every day now completely nothing. It seems that my listings are not available at all. Something definately changed. 

Message 19 of 23
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No sales

You only have 2 listings unless someone is looking for those exact items you wont be getting many views or sales.

Message 20 of 23
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