06-12-2024 12:52 PM
Some time ago I received an email from ebay that due to lack of a Lucid number I will no longer be able to sell to Germany and that my listings will not be visible there. That's fine and for a few months I had zero sales but over the last few days I had multiple orders from Germany, from German based accounts.
What gives? How is this possible if ebay says they are blocking this?
06-12-2024 12:54 PM
Sounds like they haven't reached the deadline for when you will be blocked from selling to Germany
I think its the end of this month or next month
06-12-2024 1:37 PM
I was in the same position but then had an I e-mail in German saying all my listings had been re-instated - thanks eBay! I had already deleted all my German listings....
06-12-2024 1:55 PM
Hi guys, I am confused. That this means lucid is not required or ebay is just throwing us into the fire to operate at our own peril?
I received the email from ebay about sales being blocked in September, and had no sales until this month, no other comms from ebay on this matter.
06-12-2024 2:19 PM
06-12-2024 6:34 PM
This is just a company they want to funnel you to pay, one among many available. The help page actually says that you still need to register and provide a number.
But taking into consideration, despite the initial block, that sales are allowed by ebay again, what would the repercussions be?