More New Policy Changes Coming

Not all totally bad news this time.

Opt in/opt out and eligibility

Can I opt out of Simple Delivery?

Yes, you can opt out of Simple Delivery when you’re creating the listing. 

For now great news. One that needs to be heeded is:


Without limiting other remedies, we may limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, restrict or prohibit access to, and your activities on, our Services, cancel bids, remove or demote or otherwise restrict the visibility of listings, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with the account, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and legal steps to keep you from using our Services if:

we think that you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities for us, our users, suppliers or other third parties.

My query is: does ebay now holding a sellers funds slightly come under the profiteering umbrella.


Message 1 of 95
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More New Policy Changes Coming

Thank you, I found it, and you are right!


I think this must be the definitive version of SD going forward.  Hopefully the opt out will be good news for many of the posters on here.


Less good is Packlink's continued involvement in some categories. 



Message 21 of 95
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For now I hope so.

Message 22 of 95
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To be honest I've never used Packlink.

Royal Mail collection including bringing a label works great for me.

Message 23 of 95
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I agree but if freedom of speech is based on fact then consequences is surely just a way of trying to control that right.

Message 24 of 95
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Sorry. I meant to say that if threads and what people post aren't based on fact then I agree with you.

However if things are said which are factual and can be proved then there shouldn't be consequences. 

Message 25 of 95
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"we think you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities for us..."


I'm sure I've read something very much like the blanket suspension or termination of accounts and hosted content (the boards) before, it's to cover everything in such a way that no-one can say it happened without any warning.


Khoros hosts the boards and has always had the power to remove anything from one word to a whole thread, whether written by one person or group of people and they can suspend someone for a day or two, up to a lifetime ban if they decide the person or content warrants it.  So it doesn't strike me as anything new.


My guess is that this is either just a re-stating of some of the details for clarification / updating.  If it is anything to do with the present uproar it might be in reaction to discussion about the ebay's liabilities re. lost or damaged items once SD is compulsory.  In case this is already in operation, (I haven't got any message yet) I'll say no more than I've seen a couple of comments about the deliberate sending of inadequately packaged items.  Or it could be something entirely different or just another update for clarity.

Message 26 of 95
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Well according to what ebay have sent out today sellers can opt out of SD which is great.

I agree that if threads and what users say are unfounded then there should be consequenses/suspension.

However, if what gets posted or said is based on fact then the threat of consequences/suspension is only a way to curtail freedom of speech.

Message 27 of 95
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The wording of this is a bit ominous though:


"to keep you from using our Services if :

we think that you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities for us".

If anything said is based on fact then that should not be allowed.

Message 28 of 95
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It doesn't say in the new User Agreement that SD will be optional. Read the paragraph carefully - no mention of it being optional.
There is a link under the paragraph for Simple Delivery, but that just takes you to the current page, which says, correctly, that you can opt out. It doesn't say you will always be able to opt out.

Message 29 of 95
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'A couple of very heavy volume posters have disappeared from these boards in the last few days, not the sort of people to walk away quietly.'



But one of these disappeared, was gone on the 11th, 2 days ago. We're only getting the new contracts through today (13th). It's a bit rich to dump somebody for violating a contract they haven't had a chance to read because it hasn't yet been delivered?


(And to be honest there were/are way shoutier posters still here than that one was! )



But I'm very impressed if Simple Del is going to stay optional. 👍👍


(I should stop beliving that CEOs of global companies are demi-gods and 'their will be done'..... 😁)

Message 30 of 95
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I agree but at least for now the changes coming I'm March allow the opt out choice. How long that remains for remains to be seen.

Message 31 of 95
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Somewhere there is a full list of ebay's Board Policies and having made the policy ebay hands their enforcement to Khoros to avoid any accusations of bias.  The moderators are employed by Khoros not ebay and they do any editing or rescinding of a member's board privileges.


I've seen plenty of un-edited defamatory posts about ebay and even made one or two myself.  IMO the Mods. are more likely to react to 'inter-personal disputes' between members than between members and ebay.  If anything (IMO) ebay lets criticism of itself go un-edited as the boards are its 'listening-post' on what members really think about its actions.

Message 32 of 95
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@lucy_farmer wrote:

'A couple of very heavy volume posters have disappeared from these boards in the last few days, not the sort of people to walk away quietly.'



But one of these disappeared, was gone on the 11th, 2 days ago. We're only getting the new contracts through today (13th). It's a bit rich to dump somebody for violating a contract they haven't had a chance to read because it hasn't yet been delivered?


(And to be honest there were/are way shoutier posters still here than that one was! )



But I'm very impressed if Simple Del is going to stay optional. 👍👍


(I should stop beliving that CEOs of global companies are demi-gods and 'their will be done'..... 😁)

Where does it say that in the new Agreement? As far as I can see it only says that on the page which is linked to, setting out current rules, and which can be changed at any time.

Message 33 of 95
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More New Policy Changes Coming

Opt in/opt out and eligibility

Can I opt out of Simple Delivery?

Yes, you can opt out of Simple Delivery when you’re creating the listing. 


That is what ebay have said regarding the user agreement changes coming in March.

How long that lasts remains to be seen.



Message 34 of 95
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More New Policy Changes Coming

@rugbyguy1960 wrote:

Opt in/opt out and eligibility

Can I opt out of Simple Delivery?

Yes, you can opt out of Simple Delivery when you’re creating the listing. 


That is what ebay have said regarding the user agreement changes coming in March.

How long that lasts remains to be seen.



No, that is on the Simple Delivery page which has been around for about a week or so.  That page can be changed at any time. It does not state in the new UA that SD will always be optional. Read the SD paragraph, it is very carefully worded, but the door is definitely open to make SD mandatory.

Message 35 of 95
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I think most of us have made the odd defamatory comment at some time lol.

I agree that by watching threads and seeing factual comments it gives ebay a good heads up on members real views and thoughts.

It was only the wording of "if we think" that is something to heed.

Message 36 of 95
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I do agree that the making SD compulsory door has been left open.

I think ebay will monitor threads and members views on the forums before making something that unpopular compulsory.

Message 37 of 95
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Like I have said on other threads I am a private seller and buyer not a business and I have no intention of being a business.

After being a ebay member, and buyer and seller since 2005 and if and when my choice of who to use for postage is taken away then they'll be no more selling by me.

Message 38 of 95
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More New Policy Changes Coming

@papso22 wrote:

Found it now.  It does indeed have an opt out.  Have ebay been listening?

Hopefully. ⠀ 🎉 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


We have been most vocal about this !  😁



Message 39 of 95
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I would like to think this is an indication that SD may not become compulsory.


The pessimist in me sadly agrees with @ruby*ryan , in that nothing has really definitively changed. There's an acknowledgment that SD is not compulsory, at the moment, but no assurance that it won't be, at some time.


Until I see such an assurance, and I don't expect to, I am going to go on the basis that is WILL be compulsory pretty soon, although they are beginning to run out of time if they want it implemented by the end of Q1 (unless they don't plan to give us much notice).

Message 40 of 95
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