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ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

In case you missed it - eBay will *not* be adding Buyer Fees in all categories tomorrow, instead opting for a phased rollout starting in Electronics and then expanding to other categories "in the following weeks."


The update was tucked into a broader announcement posted to the community earlier today:


Starting from 4 February, Buyer Protection will be live to give buyers more peace of mind when shopping on To minimise any potential disruption on our platform, the Buyer Protection fee will be gradually rolled out across items listed by private sellers, starting in Electronics and coming to all eligible categories in the following weeks.

Message 1 of 120
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119 REPLIES 119

Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

As I posted some time ago, Delcampe is the current platform that took the same route and is already giving special offers as it has been a disaster.The buyers fled in droves.

Message 41 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

You described me exactly when you said "quietly thinking through the implications". I've been reading everything I can find since this was announced. I'll be pausing/stopping my listings in an hour or so. I will not be doing this "Simple Delivery" dance. I never use Evri because I simply don't trust them to do the job properly. My regular Evri delivery driver is great, but as soon as he has a day off or holiday and cover takes over it just goes to *bleep*. I don't like it when it happens to me and by choice won't force it on someone else.

But they definitely have us by the short and curlies with Royal Mail. As I understand it from a claim conversation I had with one of their reps, the only service they guarantee is Special Delivery. Everything else falls under an umbrella service, where as soon as something enters their network they allow a further/maximum of 10 or 14 working days (I forget exactly which they said, it was definitely one of them) to deliver said item & you can't claim against them until that total timeframe has transpired. 

That combined with eBay's pay 2 days after proof of receipt or after 14 days is a potential nightmare. 

As I said before I'll be stopping tonight, researching Business Seller areas and see if I think I can make that work for me. Other than that I'll just be watching my bookmarked feeds, trying to see if there are any noticeable changes in amount of listings, prices, what things are selling for on auction etc. Because that combo they have decided to unleash is bad on all sides and it could destroy what they already had.

I sell, yes but that's because I'm a collector and I can't actually "do" my new hobby without outside assistance. I have a shaking condition and can't actually build the Warhammer models I like without messing them up, can't paint either. So I buy the best I can afford at a given time and if an opportunity to improve my collection comes along later, if I can, I take it. & this is all through eBay. Means I buy a hell of alot too.

At least I did. Now I'll wait to see what happens.


Message 42 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

It is a new dedicated category for " larger" electronics free to sell, as far as I am aware... I was told by a friend who uses it just yesterday... if they have had it since September, there is a new " roll out" of some sort coming... It only came up as I do not use Vinted and was gathering information regarding other  marketplaces and trying to understand the Pro and non pro as I find the " categories" confusing... such as New cosmetics can only be sold by non pro sellers, and wondered why?   


Either way it looks like they are "upgrading" to include further category's and obviously with eBay copying them,  it appears they  ( eBay) may have a rival on their hands.  @*vyolla*


Edit spelling. 




Message 43 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

'Wanted to give you kudos for this post but was sadly blocked by eBay - Apparently there is a 100 kudos limit per day !...'


Well, in about 45 mins time, it will tomorrow, so you will be able to do it then... 😄  (& another 99...)


Message 44 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@department28 wrote:

'Wanted to give you kudos for this post but was sadly blocked by eBay - Apparently there is a 100 kudos limit per day !...'


Well, in about 45 mins time, it will tomorrow, so you will be able to do it then... 😄  (& another 99...)


I'm still trying and getting the same thing 😞


I think eBay's clock is an hour slow 🤔  Will try again in the morning 😉


FireShot Capture 2037 - Solved_ ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phas... - Pa_ - [].png


Message 45 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

I don't see the problem with postage: don't buy it from eBay but it direct from the carrier. Yodel insure up to £1000 and track. Its cheap but I have no problems with it. Evri are poor, DPD is ok. But either way your covered by the MBG and tracking. There is NO requirement for this extra buyer protection. I include P&P in my prices so its got  **** all to do with eBay anyway. Which is why this is a total rip off.

Like you I've suspended all further sales. Watch eBay implode on this. They are digging themselves deeper into big hole.

Message 46 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@vintique*violet wrote:

It is a new dedicated category for " larger" electronics free to sell, as far as I am aware... I was told by a friend who uses it just yesterday... if they have had it since September, there is a new " roll out" of some sort coming...




 There's no new roll out, the dedicated new Electronics category was released last Autumn. 


It will be interesting to see what the new roll out is about that your friend who uses it mentions. 

Message 47 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics


Although not directly related to this thread or any reply on it I think it is close enough to include.

I can't help but wonder if they have/will be crossing any legal boundaries with their new proposals. Potentially being paid 14 days after services rendered and being given non negotiable instructions on how to perform a certain function. Sounds remarkably close to being employed and that they are our boss and if that's the case then don't "Private Sellers" potentially gain an entirely new set of benefits with that?

Message 48 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Another kick in the teeth for business sellers hoping for more of a level playing field.

Message 49 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

i may not have been happy with the sellers fee (after all who would be!) but it was something that was expected when i joined (nothing in life is usually free....).  I have been selling for 9 years now and was ok with all the changes so far even if they were not an improvement, not sure if there were any that were of course,  but this tranche is a disaster in my mind.  I would be okay with the buyer fee, the wait for money but not simple delivery.  From the sound of the comments on here (which are probably a reasonable view of the majority of private people who sell)  it is usually one or other of the 3 major changes which are coming not specifically all of them that is the problem.  Take all those together and you will probably find a great number leaving.  Whether  e bay really can attract more new sellers is another thing, they may say they have listened to sellers feedback/complaints but i doubt that.   What is to attract them here rather than other sites now?  The search engine is a complete disaster and as a buyer i have often given up when looking for a specific item.  

Message 50 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

You mean a kick in the teeth for private sellers of course? Why should out effect businesses?

Message 51 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Agree entirely. Maybe there is a legal case here. 

Message 52 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@slxhawk wrote:

Ebay is a business it needs to make a profit, so it is either seller or buyer fees you can't have it both ways. 




Message 53 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Do you? Clearly not if you asked that question.

Message 54 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

'I can't help but wonder if they have/will be crossing any legal boundaries with their new proposals'


I'm fairly certain that ebay are not going to leave themselves open to any legal problems.

Ebay are an American Mega-Corps and they will be lawyered up to the eyeballs with some of the worlds most expensive lawyers.


The sort of legals who can say that black is actually white in a court of law and get a judge to agree with them..!


Message 55 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

skinnyjimmys wrote: 'All eligible categories' implies that it wont be across the board.


'All eligible categories' is eBay giving themselves wiggle room.

Message 56 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Yes, possibly, but isn't that exactly the same thought process the mega corps are hoping for?

There's an example that's been rattling through my head for a few days now but for the life of me I can't remember the exact name of the company. I know they are a "taxi" provider and their "non employees" recently won a case against them giving them employment rights. At least in the UK. 

That they will use the subtleties of language to try and present something in their favour does not change the end image/reality in front of you. 


Message 57 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

When is the 4% BPF due to go live in electronics? I thought it was today. Only, I've looked at a number of items in that category listed by private sellers, and they are all still showing rounded / standard prices ie, £14.95 etc, no incongruous figures as would be expected with 4% added. Am I missing something?

Message 58 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

eBay has been very successful in growing it's  business since it's inception.

This latest move re buyer protection fees smacks of desperation.

It appears that all other ways of increasing profits have been utilized.

They had so many years where they dominated their market.

They now appear to have credible competition and they now appear to have run out of ideas.

Message 59 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

No. I think you will find that the buyer only sees the price. It stinks doesn't it?
Message 60 of 120
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