14-03-2025 8:41 PM
Well i reopened my Ebay store on the 19th Feb this year after checking my Ebay fees were 72% of my sales i have now closed my Ebay store again EARLY ! and come to the realisation i did when i closed my store down last year , Its not worth the hassle LOL
14-03-2025 9:58 PM
I think quite a lot of 'old' eBayers are feeling the same way, for a variety of reasons. It is a shame, as selling on eBay used to be relatively easy, but now it seems like there is always some new thing to have to get your head round, & too many hoops to jump through...
14-03-2025 10:17 PM
It certainly takes up a lot of time
lots of time
some people don’t mind if they have it
but eg when they ask me to fill in specifics that appear NOWHERE on any search
well that’s a waste of time
just one example
I sell on vinted and it takes me about 2 minutes to list an item and the procedure is simpler than simple
here it’s double that at least plus it’s not simple
and to boot I get more views there and more sales
I did read somewhere here to day though that apparently you can get more views if you have a load of sales
the way you do that is to flog your stuff off for next to nothing and it ratchets you up the viewing rostra for some reason
14-03-2025 10:31 PM
Yep, since MP was rolled out it's definitely been a case of 'always some new thing to get your head around'.
The biggest one being that every change made ebay less easy to use, more complicated to get anything done, fewer sales and harder to get them.
Being taken for fools by ebay's assurances that whatever the latest bell or whistle is, it's what buyers want and will increase sales. But once you've seen it time and again you eventually realise ebay is totally cynical, lies through its teeth and every change only ever benefits ebay.